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Found: 901
Hitachi162EFrame cramping at top.R613 high.14-09-04
Hitachi36CX39B5 year old Hitachi 36CX39B's picture tube has suddenly gone to a all black screen with a thin line (1/4") of picture horizantally through the middle of the screen. At first when did this I could power off, wait a few seconds power on and problem gone. Nowproblem in vertical difflection section most probebly some dry-jonts in vertical IC , re-soled all cct ponts in this section and ic as well26-09-05
Hitachi46TN seriesHT settingsHT=110v in 21" sets; 146v in 25/28" sets (note ZD950 NOT 10v zener)14-09-04
Hitachi46TN seriesInt deadDry joint R719 in prot network (half hidden by strut)14-09-04
Hitachi50FX30BI have a Hitachi 50FX30B rear projection set that won't power on, no power LED on fornt panel. It started shutting down after playing for a little while (or being unplugged) but now nothing at all, except a click when you turn it on. There is a serieHi, If your led`s don`t stay lit your set has a short, check all of the little chemical fuses near the led`s one or more are open, once you find the open fuse that`s the line with the shorted part on it, I would say without some experience with tv repair your probably not going to be able to fix it yourself, time to call a tech, 23-06-05
HitachiA seriesSt/by onlyCheck R952 47k or 68k, check dry joints IC950, 951 & 95214-09-04
HitachiA seriesTo check psu - remove Q904 & sw onIf no volts replace R901 82k, R909 6k814-09-04
HitachiA4Dead - tripping with relay clicking in timeConnect dummy load to removed R751 3R3 7w connection & HT ok at 150v with sound. IC601 Field/E/W chip proved faulty & D701/D701A14-09-04
HitachiA5E/W faultyReplace IC601 TDA8350Q14-09-04
HitachiA5field faultTDA8350Q & D718 BYD3314-09-04

HitachiA5To enter service modeEnter factory mode by holding "Vol+" & "Vol-" whilst sw on, then press "Tuning" button under flap on r/c14-09-04
HitachiA5To exit Factory Mode (Model displayed on screen)Switch to st/by whilst service mode is displayed14-09-04
HitachiA5To get out of factory pre-set mode (Model & proc type displayed on screen)Hold "Vol+" & "V0l-" buttons in whilst switching on14-09-04
HitachiA5 C2976TNSparks around crt base then reverts to st/byLOP stage tuning cap o/c & clean up print on crt base14-09-04
HitachiA7Dead - overvolts Zener PGK180 s/cCheck dry joints HT pot RV950, R950 68k, R952 8k2 & opto IC901 Pt no T548013 -see write up from Dave Hewitt14-09-04
HitachiA7 C24W1TNTripsDoes it trip with A1 volts at min/max? If not, check Nicam chip is fully home in its holder14-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesField collapse or crampCheck IC601 & if R616 68k is fitted, if not connect across ZD603 - helps prevent crt flashover damage14-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesInt reverts to st/by - due to high HT of 175v (135v)Check for dry joints (often invisible) on Set HT pot VR95014-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesShort picCheck value of R602 or 603 (1R - 2R2), they can increase in value slightly14-09-04
HitachiC1410RTuning goes off slightlyVL08 BC858C sm in AFC cct; VF06 BF840 sm14-09-04
HitachiC1411TNo Txt , r/c & chan skippingtxt chip IT01 xtal osc inop. XT01 replaced14-09-04
HitachiC1411Tonly store 1 chan - in skip mode & r/c locks27Mhz xtal in txt pcb14-09-04
HitachiC1414-300Dead - Q903 ON4584 s/c chopper trReplace with Hitachi BUT12AF & R951 39k 0.6w metal film14-09-04
HitachiC1414R-311deadQ903 ON4584 chopper s/c R951 39k hi res14-09-04
HitachiC1414TDead with ZD952 prot zener s/cHT too high - R951 39k 1/2w o/c14-09-04
HitachiC1414Toff no st/by led82k 0.5w start up res R901 o/c14-09-04
HitachiC1414TStuck in st/by - no line driveSafety thyristor Q703 TS0820-20 faulty - check by removing - set should then work14-09-04
HitachiC1415TNo pic/sound okNo line drive as Q701 BF459 dr tr o/c14-09-04
HitachiC1420VTCrack from LOPTx & st/by onlyreplace loptx14-09-04
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