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File name:Philips MD1.2E AA Chas.part1.rar
Size:2041 kB
Model:28pt4523 🔎
Descr:Philips MD1.2e Chassis service manual covers 28PT4523
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Philips MD1.2E AA Chas.PDF

Colourtelevision QRarrarrnrara q)\9U \7 U\r\g \_s,.Àr,A\tnr^íÀ e)\gu \YU[r\g TI n Chassis MDl.2E AA Seruice :i,-tY:. au94l ;jrït-eff í;ïiri?,' Contents t . Technical speciÍications 2. Connectionfacilitiesand Chassis overview 3 . SaÍety instructionsfor repairs, Maintenanceinstructions, Wamingsand Notes Mechanicalinstructions Block diagram Testooint overview Wiringdiagram Service Modes, DST, Error messages, Protections,Faultfindingand Repair tips Electrical diagrams and PWB-layouts Supply voltage diagram (SchémaA1) Powersupply21" " (SchémaA1) Powersupply> 21 (SchémaA2) Horizontaloutput (SchémaA3) Vertical output (SchémaAa) Audio ampliÍier (Schéma81) Tuner + lF (Schéma 82) Video processing Page 2 2 Contents Electrical diagrams and PWB-layouts (Schéma BB) Synchronisation (Schéma84) lF sound (Schéma85) EuroconnectoÍ1 (Schéma 86) 2 Euroconneetor (Schéma87) Controls Connectionsaudio (Schema BB) module (Schéma 89) Teletext (SchemaC) CRT panel (Schéma01) Audio module (Schéma D2) Nicam L module CTI/BlackStretch panel (SchémÊ D (SchemaG) N/S oanel Mains/RCS/LED Panel (Schémal) J) Control and Inpuvoutput (Schéma 8. Electricalalignments Íor 10. Directions use 11. List oÍ abbreviations 12. Spare parts lists l"g" Diagram 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 37 39 PWB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 25 27 27 29 29 30 31 4. 5. 3 4 6 7 8 8 Diagram PWB 12 14 13 14 15 14 16 14 17 14 17 18 19 18 20 6. 7. Copyright 1996 Philips Consumer ElectÍonicsB.V. Eindhoven,The All Neitíerl-ands. rights reserved. No part of this Publicationmay be reoroduced,storedjn a retrievalsysteni or transmitted,in any form or by ariv means, electronic,mechanicá|,photocopying,or otherwisewithout of thé prior permission Philips. oCopyright to reserved Subiect modification published SM9671TV Service in DepartmentPrinted TheNetherlands by PCS 82 264 GB @ 4822727 20979 #p PHILIP 1. Technical speciÍications Mainsvoltage Powerconsumption outputpower(Vvatt) nominal peakoutputpowerWatt) standby Watt) Mains frequency range colour synchronisation Pull-in horizontal Pull-in range synchronisation | 22O-24OV (!1O"A) AC : : : : : 100 (21'90");130 (110" SF 4:3);150 (110" SF 16:9) 160 (21"90");180 (110' SF 4:3);220(110' $F 16:9) 3 (t10%) 50 Hz (t10%) > + 300H2 : > + 600H2 overview facilities and Chassis 2. Connection m-"-. ileït-- r--------------' t--T-l-- ? o o Y t o o SK1 ilq|- *-" l[o+]- -*' "*" l#n l *ï--' o | # \? ?o ( r1----------------a tÍ o OqEo (DGREEN / + \ L7-\l \ \:iïMENU lo+g-".*rH* :Íffi'-''" \:.2- Rearconnectlons Front+ Top control + Side l/O Front + Side control + Side l/O of Specification the terminalsockets REAR EXTI - CVBS(in/cut)+ RGB(in)tuner at output EXT2 - CVBS(in/out)+ SVHS(in) - Input: EXTzthen output = tuneri input: other then outPut= inPut 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Audio OR(o.SVnrus10ko) AudioGL(o.SVnus<1ko) Audio I Audio L(0.2-2Vnr'rs>10ko) Cinch- audioout O ctucx AudioL (red) I (0.5Vnr',ls1kA) < O ctNcH AudioR (whire) O (0.5V

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