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Now downloading free:Panasonic TX-W32DPF

Panasonic TX-W32DPF free download

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File name:32D5.part2.rar
Size:2144 kB
Model:TX-W32DPF 🔎 TXW32DPF
Original:SM-98048 🔎
Descr:Service Manual - Euro 5 Chassis - (7.733Kb) pag. 57
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name txw32d5dpf.pdf

TX-W32D5DPF Service Manual Safety Specifications Parts List Service Information Service Support Block Diagrams Service and repair of this product is supported by Panasonic's LUCI interface. This interface provides a link between the TV and a standard PC to allow a number of diagnostic and control functions to be performed. For more details contact your local Panasonic company. PCB Views Adjustments Self Check Service Hints Mechanical View Schematic Diagrams Disassembly Location of Controls Waveforms BACK EXIT Audio Power supply Control Video BACK D - PCB F - PCBs H - PCB M - PCB E - PCB G - PCB K - PCB Y - PCBs D - Schematic F - Schematic H - Schematic M - Schematic E - Schematic G - Schematic K - Schematic Y - Schematic BACK BACK ORDER No. SM-98048 Colour Television TX-W32D5DPF EURO - 5 Chassis SPECIFICATIONS Power Source: Power Consumption: Aerial Impedance: Standby Power Consumption: Receiving System: 220-240V AC, 50Hz 199W 75 unbalanced, Coaxial Type 1,9W PAL-I, B/G, H, D/K, PAL-525/60 SECAM L/L', B/G, D/K M.NTSC NTSC (AV only) VHF H1-H2 (ITALY) VHF R1-R2 VHF R6-R12 CATV (S01-S05) CATV S11-S20 (U1-U10) TECHNISCHE DATEN Netzpannung: 220-240V AC, 50Hz Leistungsaufnahme: 199W Antennenimpedanz: 75 asymmetrisch, Koaxial-Typ Standby Leistungsaufnahme: 1,9W Empfangssystem: PAL-I, B/G, H, D/K, PAL-525/60 SECAM L/L', B/G, D/K M.NTSC NTSC (nur AV Eingang) Empfangsbereiche: VHF E2-E12 VHF H1-H2 (ITALY) VHF A-H (ITALY) VHF R1-R2 VHF R3-R5 VHF R6-R12 UHF E21-E69 CATV (S01-S05) CATV S1-S10 (M1-M10) CATV S11-S20 (U1-U10) CATV S21-S41 (HYPERBAND) Zwischenfrequenz: Video 38,9MHz, 34MHz Sound 32,9MHz, 33,4MHz, 33,16MHz 32,4MHz, 40,4MHz, 33,05MHz 32,66MHz Colour 34,47MHz (PAL) 34,5MHz, 34,65MHz (SECAM) Video/Audio Anschlüsse: AV1 EINGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 10k RGB (21 pin) AV1 AUSGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 1k AV2 EINGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 10k S-Video IN Y: 1V p-p 75 (21 pin) C: 0.3V p-p 75 AV2 AUSGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 1k Wählbarer Ausgang AV3 EINGANG S-Video IN Y: 1V p-p 75 (4-pin) C: 0,3V p-p 75 Audio (RCAx2) 500mV rms10k Video (RCAx1) 1V p-p 75 AV4 EINGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 10k S-Video IN Y: 1V p-p 75 (21 pin) C: 0.3V p-p 75 AV4 AUSGANG Video (21 pin) 1V p-p 75 Audio (21 pin) 500mV rms 1k Dolby Surround-Ausgang 6 x Dolby Surround Ausgänge RCA Hochspannung: 32kV ±1kV Bildrohre: W76LNR585X05 76cm Ton Ausgangsleistung: 2 x 20W Vorne links/rechts (Musikleistung) 26W Super 3D Baß 2 x 16W Surround 8 Impedanz Kopfhörer: 8 Impedanz Mitgel. Zubehör: Fernbedienung 2 x R6 (UM3) Batterien Abmessungen: Höhe: 577,6mm Breite: 778mm Tiefe: 535mm Gewicht: 54kg Änderungen der Technisichen Daten vorbehalten. Gewichte und Abmessungen sind Näherungsangaben. Hinweis: Bitte verwende Sie das Service Manual zusammen mit dem Technical Guide. Receiving Channels: VHF E2-E12 VHF A-H (ITALY) VHF R3-R5 UHF E21-E69 CA

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