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Tektronix 561A free download

Oscilloscopes, digital oscilloscopes, Tektronix oscilloscopes, cathode ray ocilloscopes, pc oscilloscopes service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:Tektronix561A.part4.rar
Size:1423 kB
Model:561A 🔎
Descr:Oscilloscope without plug-in units
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment > Oscilloscopes
Multipart: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6

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Extracted files:1
File name 561A01.PDF

File name 561A02.PDF

File name 561A03.PDF

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File name 561A05.PDF

File name 561A06.PDF

File name 561A07.PDF

File name 561A08.PDF

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File name 561A10.PDF

File name 561A11.PDF

File name 561A12.PDF

File name 561A13.PDF

File name 561A14.PDF

File name 561A15.PDF

File name Table.pdf

****** TEKTRONIX - TYPE 561A OSCILLOSCOPE - INSTRUCTION MANUAL ****** This table of *.pdf documents allows to sort out the printed copies as the original instruction manual. ****** Contents of the original manual *.pdf File : 561A01 561A02 561A03 561A04 561A05 561A06 561A07 561A08 561A09 Number of pages: 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 2 12 : Title "INSTRUCTION MANUAL" Contents The Type 561A Oscilloscope Section 1 - Characteristics Section 2 - Operating Instructions Section 3 - Circuit Description Section 4 - Maintenance Section 5 - Calibration Section 6 - Accessories Section 7 - Parts List and Schematics Parts List Schematics Power Supply CRT Circuit Calibrator Plug-in Connections Change Information ****** 561A10 12 561A11 561A12 561A13 561A14 561A15 1 3 2 2 1

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