File name Yamaha Dragstar 650 Service Manual.pdfEB000000
XVS650 SERVICE MANUAL ©1996 by Yamaha Motor Co.Ltd. First edition, September 1996 All rights reserved. Any reproduction or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited.
This manual was produced by the Yamaha Motor Company primarily for use by Yamaha dealers and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one manual, so it is assumed that anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha motorcycles has a basic understanding of the mechanical ideas and the procedures of motorcycle repair. Repairs attempted by anyone without this knowledge are likely to render the motorcycle unsafe and unfit for use. Yamaha Motor Company, continually striving to improve all its models. Modifications and significant changes in specifications or procedures will be forwarded to all authorized Yamaha dealers and will appear in future editions of this manual where applicable. NOTE: Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations.
The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the motorcycle operator, a bystander or a person inspecting or repairing the motorcycle.
A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the motorcycle. A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.
MANUAL ORGANIZATION This manual consists of chapters for the main categories of subjects. (See "Illustrated symbols") 1st title 1 : 2nd title 2 : 3rd title 3 : This is the title of the chapter with its symbol in the upper right corner of each page. This title indicates the section of the chapter and only appears on the first page of each section. It is located in the upper left corner of the page. This title indicates a sub-section that is followed by step-by-step procedures accompanied by corresponding illustrations.
EXPLODED DIAGRAMS To help identify parts and clarify procedure steps, there are exploded diagrams at the start of each removal and disassembly section. 1. An easy-to-see exploded diagram 4 is provided for removal and disassembly jobs. 2. Numbers 5 are given in the order of the jobs in the exploded diagram. A number that is enclosed by a circle indicates a disassembly step. 3. An explanation of jobs and notes is presented in an easy-to-read way by the use of symbol marks 6 . The meanings of the symbol marks are given on the next page. 4. A job instruction chart 7 accompanies the exploded diagram, providing the order of jobs, names of parts, notes in jobs, etc. 5. For jobs requiring more information, the step-by-step format supplements 8 are given in addition to the exploded diagram and th |