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Descr:Service Manual CTS-AA
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SERVICE MANUAL CHASSIS CTS-AA CONTENTS 1.- Technical specifications 2.- Connection Facilities 3.- Mechanical instructions 4.- Oscillograms 5.- Print board layout 6.- Electric Scheme 7.- Circuit description 7.1 Small signal processing 7.2 RGB ampliers 7.3 Deflection 7.4 Sound amplifier 7.5 Power supply 7.6 Microcontroller/Text 8.- Electrical adjustments 9.- Safety instructions 10.- List of abbreviations 11.- Service components Page 3 3 4 5 6 7 - 11 12 12 14 14 15 15 17 18 21 22 23 2 1. Technical specifications CHASSIS CTS - AA Mains voltage Power cons. at 220V~ Aerial input impedance Min. aerial input VHF Min. aerial input UHF Max. aerial input VHF/UHF Pull-in range colour sync. Pull-in range horizontal sync. Pull-in range vertical sync. Picture tube range : 220 - 240 V ± 10% AC; 50 Hz (±5%) : 35W (14''), 50W(20''/21''), 5W (stand by) : 75S - coax : 30µV : 40µV : 180mV : ± 300Hz : - 600 Hz / + 480 Hz : ± 5 Hz : 14'' / 20'' /21'' : Mono: 25S 1W (14''). 16S 2W (20''/21'') TV Systems : PAL BG : PAL I : PAL BG / SECAM BGDK : PAL BGI / SECAM BGLL' : On screen display (OSD) / menu : 1 LED RED. Dark in ON, bright in stand by, blinking with RC. : 0 to 99 : VST Indications VCR programs Tuning and operating system UV1315A / IEC (VST) : VHFa: 48 - 168 MHz : VHFb: 175 - 447 MHz : UHF: 455 - 855 MHz : UHF: 471 - 855 MHz : Vol/Prog, +, -, contrast, colour and brightness. U1343A / IEC (VST) Local operating functions 2. Connection facilities Euroconector: Audio Audio Audio Audio Blue Audio Blue CVBS status 1 Green 11 - Green 12 13 14 15 16 Red Red RGB status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - R (0V5 RMS / 1K ). R (0V2 - 2V RMS / 10K ). L ( 0V5 RMS / 1K ). 17 18 19 20 21 - CVBS CVBS CVBS CVBS Earthscreen. ( 1Vpp 75S ). ( 1Vpp/75S ). L (0V2 - 2V RMS / 10K ). (0V7pp/75S ). (0-2V int., 10-12V ext.). (0V7pp/75S ). Head phone: (0V7pp/75S ). (0V to 0V4 int.) (1-3V ext. 75S ). 8S to 600S (32S 25mW) 3 3. Mechanical instructions For the main carrier two service positions are possible (3.1). A: For faultfinding on the component side of the main carrier. B: For (de) soldering activities on the copper side of the main carrier. Position A can be reached by first removing the mains cord from it's fixation, then loosen the carrier lips (1) and then pulling the carrier panel (2) for approximately 10cm. Position B can be reached from position A after disconnecting the degaussing cable. Put the carrier on the line transformer side. Fig. 3.1 4 4. Oscillograms 5 5.- PRINT BOARD LAYOUT 6 6.- Electric Diagram 1015 1032 1033 1137 1272 2010 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2034 2060 2061 2064 2065 2067 2068 2115 2117 2180 2185 2240 2242 2243 2244 2245 2250 2261 2262 2270 2289 2291 2292 2293 2294 2350 2351 2801 2861 3010 3011 3012 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3028 3032 3033 3034 3035 3069 3070 3115 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3185 3240 3262 3274 3275 3276 D6 G8 F8 B7 H3 D7 D7 D8 D8 H6 H6 E9 E7 C6 D6 C6 C6 E6 E6 I7 F7 F6 F3 F3 C3 C3 B6 B9 B3 B3 K7

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