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Philips CDM12.1 free download

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File name:Philips-CDM12.1 cd laser.part3.rar
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Model:CDM12.1 🔎
Descr:cd laser module
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File name Philips-CDM12.1 cd laser.pdf

PHILlP.1 ~""~I -£ $: PHILIPS SPECIFICATION CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION CDM 12.1 N.V. Philips Industrial Activities Philips Laser Optics Marketing & Sales Kernpische Steenweg, 293 3500 HASSELT BELGIUM Tel. : 32-11-296836 Fax. : 32-11-296950 Rev. 3.0 Phlllps Laser Opt/cs Key Modules Group (18-01-93) CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Page 1 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 2 2 2 2 3 5 6 The CDM 12.1 is a modular CD-mechanism, using spot system. It contains the following modules - a lightpen with holographic - the actuator - the disc motor : a DC-motor with a turntable prepared for magnetical clamping, equipped with a spring cone - the frame with the sledge drive Page 7 - the foil with the lasersupply Page 7 Page 8 INSTRUCTIONS Page 9 Page 9 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. la : Measuring circuit diagram 1b : Measuring circuit diagram 2 : Recommended clamper 3 : Recommended suspension 4 : Electrical data 5 : Mechanical drawing 6 : Lightpath 7 : Focus S-curve 8 : Radial curve 9 : Temperature factor 10 : Focus characteristics 11 : Radial characteristics 12 : Turntable 13 : CDM 12.1 + wires 14 : Ornamental plate 15 : Mechanical data foil APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 2 PPN 13 Motor Data RF310T 11400 Motor Data Page 26 Page 27 (part 1) (part 2) Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 To cope with this broad application to be flexible : - suitable for BOOK standard - limited size - applicable in horizontal and vertical position 12 and range, the CDM 12.1 needs to the RED It is suitable for a wide variety of applications : e.g. standalone players (mini and full size), CD-RCR applications, and even home CD-ROM systems. lightpath a 2-stage, 3- 2. SPECIFICATION A. Test conditions B. Specified values 1. General 2. Opto-electrical 3. Electro-mechanical 4. Absolute maximum ratings 3. APPLICATION 4. RELIABILITY 5. STANDARDS 6. HANDLING CONDITIONS 7. VERSIONS/CODENUMBERS 8 cm. discs according - optional accessories are available, e.g. tray loading mechanism, suspension, clamping device, ornamental plate - wide temperature range standards - prepared for a variety of approbation/safety CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION Page 1 2. SPECIFICATION A. Test conditions 2. Opto-electrical I /lax. ParilEter G;] -. I 0 25 % 0 °C 30 kPa 5 75 106 I~I 20 45 -5 86 objective lens Focus Radial I detection detection NumerIca error Power Intens ity out of Working distance llghtpath error aperture /lax. I UnIt Htn. nm I mW 0.5 _. Hotes ~ I 0.45 1.8 I Slnole fig. 3-beam Foucault See method LASER 7104 S8C444 2 099 I See147 24981 fig. CodenuntJer I Parameter 3104NotesI10030 I I I SuppIySupply current voltage Wavelenght V fio. mA 800 6 4 90 fig. Seenm I 30 +laser I See780 at 44 ::°C+laser 760 /lax. Unit NolI. Hin. I ParaJll!ter Hotes I 60

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