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Philips CDR775 free download

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Compact disc recorder CDR775 /oo Service t o g l ( t a oEtascB GQD§(S MOfTAlAUOtO M B t T A l AUDIO PtGfTAlAUMO OHHTAL AUDIO nCOJJPACT riBOMfWCT nOOMPACT HCOMPACT SERVICING For servicing CDR775, the set can divided into three parts. The display board (partly) 1 002, the I/O board 1004, the headphone board (partly) 1002, the IR board (partly) 1002, the ON/ OFF & Standby LED board (partly) 1002 and the CD-out board (partly) 1002 have to be repaired at component level. The power supply unit 1003 is available as spare part, but can also be repaired at component level. 2. The CDR module (containing the CDR loader 81, CDR main board 1001 and loader bracket 82, 83) will be exchanged completely in case of failure. This complete CDR module is available as spare part. Defective modules have to be returned for central repair. 3. The CD module (containing the CD loader 131, CD main board 1005 and loader bracket 132) is a new module with VAL1250 loader assy but also a separate CDM and separate loader parts will be available via service stock. The CD main board can be repaired at component level. Also available: Circuit Description " The Basics of Compact Disc Recordable/Rewriteable". Service code number 4822 725 25242. 1. Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Technical Specifications Warning and Servicing Hints User Instructions Mechanical Instructions Wiring Diagram CDR Wiring Diagram CD loader Exploded View CDR Exploded View CD loader Dismantling Instructions 5. Electrical and Circuit Diagrams Overall Blockdiagram Display Board IR / On/Off &Standby LED Board Headphone / CD-out Board I/O Board Power supply unit CD-Mainboard 1A CD-Mainboard 1B CD-Mainboard 1C CD-Mainboard 2 Diagnostic Software Faultfinding Trees Faultfinding Guide List of Abbreviations Partslist (mechanical and electrical) Page 2 4 7 19 19 20 21 22 23 Diagram 24 PWB 26 27 28 30 32 37/38 37/38 37/38 37/38 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 26 27 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 39 43 49 65 71 Copyright reserved 1999 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips. Published by RH 9969 Service DPS Hasselt Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification <§§> 3104 125 40030 PHILIPS Warnings and Servicing Hints SERVICING HINTS In the set, chip components have been applied. For disassembly and assembly check the figure below. CL 96532086_022.eps 080999 CDR775 Warnings and Servicing Hints SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN Important Proper service and repair is Important to the safe, reliable operation of all Philips equipment. The service procedures recommended by Philips and described In this service manual are effective methods of performing service operations. Some of these service operations require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose.

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