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1 Colour Television Chassis L7.3A AA CL 160298 ServiceManual Content 1 2 3 4 5 6 Technical specifications Connection facilities, location of panels Safety instructions, Warnings and Notes Mechanical instructions Repair facilities Software adjustments and Hotel mode Block diagram, Survey of testpoints Diagram supply voltages survey Electrical Diagrams and print lay-outs 2 3 4 6 7 12 13 14 7 Main PWB layout Power supply Main PWB layout Line drive Sync-frame & vertical drive Video Processing Control Sound processing Sound amplifier BTSC decoding CRT PWB/ Audio sound PWB CRT module Nicam sound panel 8 Electrical adjustments 9 Circuit Descriptions new circuits 10 Directions for use (limited) 11 List of abbreviations 12 Spareparts list 5 Subject in The Netherlands of Philips. without theby LV permisionService Department Copyright prior 9864 Printed to modificationTV Published reserved 1998 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or 727 21566 4822 otherwise diagram A1 diagram A2 diagram A3 diagram A4 diagram A5 diagram A6 diagram A7 diagram A8 diagram B diagram C Diagram PWB 16 17 16 18 19 18 20 18 21 18 22 18 23 18 24 18 25 18 26 27 26 28 26 29 31 38 46 47 ©Copyright reserved 1998 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permision of Philips. Published by LV 9864 TV Service Department Printed in The Netherlands Subject to modification 5 4822 727 21566 2 Mains Voltage: 1 Technical specifications L7.3A 1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Technical specifications 150 - 276 Volt 90 - 276 Volt 50 Hz 60 Hz < 10 Watt 25" : 75Watt +/- 10% 29" : 90 Watt +/- 10% Yes 75 Ohm - coax 25" and 29" 27 KVolt 30 KVolt Linitted at 33 Watt 2 X 3 Watt 2 X 5 Watt > 46 dB unweighted > 53 dB weigted Mains frequency Power Consumption in stand-by Power Consumption normal mode Chassis mains isolated Aerial input impedance TV Picture tube range EHT voltage for 25" EHT voltage for 29" Max EHT power Sound output power Picture S/N at 70uVolts 2 2 Connection facilities Connection facilities L7.3A 3 VIDEO 2 IN VIDEO VIDEO 1 IN OUT VIDEO ANTENNA IN L AUDIO R L AUDIO R CL 160298 IR Red - + Channel - + Volume CL 160298 2.1 Cinch - Video - Audio - Audio 1Vpp/75 L(0.5Vrms 10k) R(0.5Vrms 10k) q q q 2.2 Head phone (8 - 600 / 4mW) ot 2.3 Location of panels CRT PANEL B C NICAM PANEL MAIN POWER SUPPLY LINE DRIVE SYNC / FRAME VERTICAL DRIVE VIDEO PROCESSING (BIMOS IC) CONTROL SOUND PROC. + SOUND INTERFACE SOUND AMPLIFIER BTSC DECODING A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 CL 16029

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