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LG 2200N free download

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File name:LG_2200N.part2.rar
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Model:2200N 🔎
Original:2200N 🔎
Descr:2200N LG DVD Schematics
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
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CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1. POWER(SMPS) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE WHEN SERVICING THIS CHASSIS, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE ORIGINAL DESIGN BE MODIFIED OR ALTETED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE ZENITH ELECTRONICS CORPORATION ALL COMPONENTS SHOULD BE REPLACED ONLY WITH TYPES IDENTICAL TO THOSE IN THE ORIGI- NAL CIRCUIT SPECIAL COMPONTS ARE SHADED ON NOTE : THE SCHEMATIC FOR EASY IDENTIFICATION. 1. Shaded( ) parts are critical for safety. Replace only THIS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MAY OCCASIONALLY DIFwith specified part number. FER FROM THE ACTUAL CIRCUIT USED. THIS WAY, 2. Voltages are DC-measured with a digital voltmeter IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LATEST SAFETY AND during Play mode. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT CHANGES INTO THE SET IS NOT DELAYED UNTIL THE NEW SERVICE LITERATURE IS PRINTED. IC902 is defective. 8V Power Line dead. Q908, R928, D913 and Q909 are defective. 5V Power Line dead. IC903 PIN3 (AC110V, PLAY) IC901 PIN3 (AC110V, STAND-BY) Q901 and Q902 are defective. FLD(+), FLD(-) are dead. IC901 is defective. Power dead. C927, R918, R922 and IC905 are defective. Power dead. Q903, Q904 are defective. Power control is abnormal. NOTES) NOTES) NOTES) NOTES) Warning Parts that are shaded are critical With respect to risk of fire or electricial shock. 3-18 3-19 2. RF & DVD DSP CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Q202 is defective. DVD LD will not be on. IC204 is defective being slipped during search. IC209 is defective AD Converter Error TZC Mirr. Generator AD Ref. Voltage Gen RF/TE/FE Signal generation Q203 is defective CD LD will not be on Digital Servo DSP/ CD Decoder Spindle Low Pass Filter DRAM 3.3V Regulator IC219 is defective Servo will not operate IC403 is defective No Spindle Full Speed T.E F.E R.F TRACKING LOOP FOCUS LOOP SLED LOOP SPINDLE LOOP 3-20 3-21 3. DRIVE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM SPINDLE MOTOR DRIVE SPINDLE TRACKING DOOR FOCUS SLIED 3-22 3-23 4. MPEG & ENCODER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 2 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No power on 3.3V Reg. 5 No power on No power on µ-com->MPEG address ROM VIDEO ENCODER 14 15 The screen is distorted(DVD) Over 3V->Data error. GND:OK No VCD screen display(option). No CD sound out. No DVD screen display 16 Over 3V->Data error. GND:OK (CD/VCD option) No power on No Audio(check clock) MPEG2 DECODER No 5.1CH Audio 18 No 2CH Audio Audio signal doesn't appear No screen No power on µ-com->MPEG command data No power on over 3V: normal 19 20 21 17 25 22 16M SDRAM 16M SDRAM VIDEO ENCODER No power on Check 89MHz Video Mute doesn't operate in power on/off No Pb output No Pr output No Y output 23 24 No composite video output No Luminance output in Y/C Video No Chrominance output in Y/C Video No power on No power on CLOCK VIDEO 26 3-24 3-25 5. AUDIO CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IC712, 713 are defective Audio bad Q601 is defective 5.1CH FL/FR Audio out bad IC704 is defective 2CH Audio out bad Q705 is defective 2CH Audio out bad IC604 is defective 5.1CH FL/FR Audio out bad IC705,706,707 are defective Audio POP noise o

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