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Now downloading free:Keithley Keithley 2260B USB Driver

Keithley Keithley 2260B USB Driver free download

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[preview Keithley 2260B USB Driver]
Size:325 kB
Model:Keithley 2260B USB Driver 🔎
Original:Keithley 2260B USB Driver 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2260
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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How To Install the Keithley Model 2260B USB driver (inf file) 1. Power on the Model 2260B. 2. Connect the USB cable to the rear panel USB B port. 3. Press the Front Panel Function key to enter the Normal configuration settings. 4. Set the following USB settings: F-22 = 2 (This will Set the rear panel USB port to USB-CDC) 5. Connect the 2260B USB cable to your pc. 6. Locate the inf file: Insert the Series 2260B Product Documentation cd into your pc or download the 2260B USB Driver from the Keithley website and unzip into a local directory. Driver 7. Install the inf file using the New Hardware Wizard: If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear, skip ahead to step 8. If the Found New Hardware Wizard appears... Select the No, not this time choice and press the Next button. Then select the Install from a list or specific location choice and press the Next button. Then, select the Browse button and select the directory folder where the Keithley_2260B.inf file is (on your cd or download folder) and press the Next Button. Select the Install this driver software anyway or Continue Anyway choice when prompted (ignore any message which indicates that it can't verify the publisher of this driver software). The driver will install and will indicate when it is finished. Skip ahead to step 9. 8. Install the inf file using the Device Manager: If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear... Open the Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager. Look in the Device Manager tree under Other Devices to locate the 2260B listing. Right-mouse click on the 2260B listing and select Update Driver Software... Select Browse my computer to locate the driver software. Select the directory folder where the Keithley_2260B.inf file is (on your cd or download folder) and press the Next Button. Select the Install this driver software anyway or Continue Anyway choice when prompted (ignore any message which indicates that it can't verify the publisher of this driver software). The driver will install and will indicate when it is finished. 9. Look at your updated Device Manager tree and the 2260B listing will now appear under the Ports (COM & LPT) category as a COM device as follows: 10. The driver is now ready to use for remote communication and will communicate using a COM Port connection. Refer to the Series 2260B User and Programming Manuals for further details. Manuals are available on the product cd or downloadable online:

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