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Now downloading free:Pioneer hfe pioneer c-72 73 service

Pioneer hfe pioneer c-72 73 service free download

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() qoruEEn' The luure ol sound and vEron. ,A otu ORDERNO. ARP2106 STEREOCONTROLAMPLIFIER G-72 c-73 MODELS C-72 AND C-73 HAVE FOLLOWINGVERSIONS: Applicablo model Type Powerrequirement Destinalion c-73 KU/CA o AC120Vonly U.S.A. and Canada AC110V, 120V- 127V,220V, 240V o (Switchable) Kingdomol Saudi Arabia and General market AEZ o AC220V, 240V (Switchable)+ WestGermany HB o * 240V(Switchable) ACa2OV, UnitedKingdom * Change connection the power lhe ol translormer wire. lead and HB types. . This manualis applicable the C-7ZKU|CA, C-73lHEz to SD, o As to the C-72/SDtype, refer to page 44. . As to the C-73|HBtype, reter to page 72. CONTENTS I. SAFETYINFORMATION 2 4, FORC.72|SD TYPE . . . 44 2. EXPLODED VIEWS,PACKINGAND PARTS LIST 5. FORC.73IHEZ TYPE . . 45 AND C-73/HEZTYPES) . . . . (FOR C-72/KU/CA 6. FORC-73|HB TYPE . . . 72 't1 73 3. FOR C-72/KU/CATYPE . 7 . t c | N F o R M A T I O.N. . . . . . This service manual is intendedfor qualifiedservice technicians; is not it meant for the casualdo-it-yourselfer. oualified technicianshavethe neces- sary test equipmentand tools, and have been trainedto properly and safely repaircomplex productssuchasthosecoveredby this manual. lmproperly performed repairscan adversely affect the safety and reliability of

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