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Blaupunkt mpa500 free download

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File name blaupunkt-amp-mpa500-manual.pdf

M PA M U LT I - C H A N N E L P O W E R A M P L I F I E R MPA 500us 2/1 Channel Mobile Audio Amplifier with 500 Watts Max. Power Amplificateur audio mobile de 500 watts de puissance maximum à 2/1 canaux Amplificador Móvil de Áudio de 2/1 Canales con Potencia Máx. de 500 vatios Amplificador Móvel de Áudio de 2/1 Canais com Potência Máx. de 500 Watts 1 2/ ER OW LP NE AN CH R IE IF PL AM MP A5 0/ 1X 50 0W · 2 O HM AB ST LE +1 2V 00u s SP EA KE RS 2X 20 ­ R + ­ L + FU SE BLAUPUNKT SPECIFICATIONS - MPA500US, 2/1 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER Below is a basic trouble-shooting guide to assist in seeking out and correcting a problem that may occur in the installation process. Although lengthy, this chart cannot address every single problem possible but mainly the ones most common. PARAMETER/FEATURE Channels Size ( W x H x D) Weight Crimping style speaker terminals? Maximum terminal wire size Subsonic filter Separate front/rear or left/right gains? Spade type auto fuses? Speaker short, short to +12V, and short to ground protection? High, low, and reverse voltage protection? Power output transistors Switching power supply transistors Minimum speaker impedance VALUE 2/1 (3 in passive bridged mode) 8.69 x 2.19 x 11.82 inches (220 x 56 x 300mm) 6.8 lbs (3.1 kg) YES 8 ga. YES (10 Hz) NO YES YES YES High current, bipolar outputs High-Speed, MOSFET's 2 ohms (non-bridged mode only) 4 ohms ONLY in bridge mode PERFORMANCE DATA Rated power output @ 0.1% THD 2 channels into 4 ohms / 2 ohms 1 channel into 4 ohms Total Harmonic Distortion @ rated full output Rated Signal/Noise ratio (averaged value) Measured @ full rated power Measured @ 1 watt / 1 kHz Damping factor Frequency response (full-range mode) High-pass crossover frequency limits Low-pass crossover frequency limits Input impedance Input signal voltage control range Current draw for undistorted output @ 14.4 VDC @ full undistorted output, non-bridged @ full undistorted output, bridged mode @ 33% of undistorted power (full "music" power) @ idle Minimum battery voltage to maintain rated power Usable battery voltage Trigger line voltage range Trigger line current draw Turn on delay time Thermal shutoff temperature (averaged heat-sink exterior temperature) 31.0 A (2 ch x 130 W x 4 ohms) 51.0 A (1 ch x 350 W x 4 ohms) 18.5 A (2 ch x 50 W x 4 ohms) 0.5 A 12.6 Volts DC 10 - 18 Volts DC 10 - 18 Volts DC < 15 mA draw @ 1.5 seconds 170°F (80° C) 2 x 100 W / 2 x 130 W 1 x 270 W 0.06% THD > 90 dBA 105 85 >100 20 - 50,000 Hz 50 - 500 Hz (continuously variable control) 50 - 250 Hz (continuously variable control) 20 kOhms 0.3 - 4.0 Vrms VALUE NOTE: DUE TO ONGOING PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT ADVANCED NOTICE TO THE CONSUMER OR RETAILER. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BLAUPUNKT! Congratulations! You are the now the owner of an exceptional car audio amplifier from the audio enthusiasts at Blaupunkt. Our engineering staff has spent considerable time refining our MPA series amplif

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