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Now downloading free:Blaupunkt BSA80

Blaupunkt BSA80 free download

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File name:Blaupunkt_BSA80.rar
[preview BSA80]
Size:871 kB
Model:BSA80 🔎
Original:BSA80 🔎
Descr:BSA80 Amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Blaupunkt_BSA80.pdf

. "-../ BLAUPUNKT AMPLIFIER BSA 80 7 607 781 511 3 D94 440 011 KN Kundendienstschrift. Service Manual. Manuel de service. Manualde servicio ~ Technische Max. Power: Sinus-Leistung: Daten 2 x 40 W an 2 n 2 x 20 W bei 1 % Klirr. (DIN 45500) < 0.05 % bei 10 W, 1 kHz, 4 n 10 Hz - 60 kHz (-3 dB) > 60 dB / 1 kHz > 94 dB (A) 8 paI. DIN, 2 x Cinch (RCA) vergoldet Specification Max. power: RMS power: Distortion factor: 2 x 40 W into 2 n 2 x 20 W with 1 % THD (DIN 45500) < 0.05 % at 10 W, 1 kHz, 4 n 10 Hz - 60 kHz (-3 dB) > 60 dB / 1 kHz > 94 dB (A) 8-pin DIN, 2 x Cinch (RCA) gold-plated Klirrfaktor: Frequenzgang: Frequencyresponse: Channel separation: Signal-to-noise ratio: Inputs: Outputs: Dimensions (W x H x D): ' / Kanaltrennung: Signal Rauschabstand: Eingange: Ausgange: Abmessungen (B x H x T): 2 x Lautsprecher, 4 n, vergoldet 130 x 30 x 90 mm 2 loudspeaker outputs, 4 n, gold-plated 130 x 30 x 90 mm Caractéristiques Puissance Puissance maxi: techniques 2 x 40 W sur 2 n x 20 W pour 1 % distors. (DIN 45500) Datas técnicos Potencia máxima: Potencia senoidal:2 Factor de distorsión: Gama de frecuencias: 4 x 75 V en 2 n x 20 W con un 1 % de distorsión (DIN 45500) sinuso"idale:2 totale: Taux de distorsion < 0,05 % à 10 W, 1 kHz, 4 n 10 Hz - 60 Hz (-3 dB) < 0.05 % con 10 W, 1 kHz, 4 n 10 Hz - 60 kHz (-3 dB) Gamme de fréquence: Séparation das canaux: > 60 dB/ 1 kHz > 94 dB (A) Atenuación de diafonía: Distancia sefíal/ruido: Entradas: Salidas: Dimensiones (An. x AI. x Prof.): > 60 dB / 1 kHz > 94 dB (A) Rapport signal/bruit: Entrées: ~ Sortias: Dimensions (L x H x P): Prise DIN 8 pôles, 2 x Cinch (RCA) dorée 2 x haut-parleurs, 4 n, dorée 130 x 30 x 90 mm DIN de (8 paios), 2 x Cinch (RCA) doradas 2 altavoces, 4 n, doradas 130 x 30 x 90 mm +3 C4 R.CH 10u16V 151 71 10u16V :;:{JI C6 R3 15k 1u50V C1 .l. 470p I R1 15k 2 IC1 VR1A 20KA R2 47u16Vr ...L C5 C7 -1I R8 75 R1 C12 47n I I -"] l'I; 14 1 10 IC2 SPEAKER I 4 OHM RIGHT C3 47u + 16V BA3121N 6C17 - 8PIN OIN INPUT 1 3 1 _10u 116V 3k6 I I I I R13 "'I "'- 9 TOOP 5 6 13 17 3 TA8225H 16 15 7 11 12 4 cn 4 C20 9 5 6 13 14 1 10 IC3 17 TA8225H 3 16 15 7 11 12 (') ::T Q) L.CH C118 lOu16V ;:; C" I 10u16V I + C15...L 15k + VR1B 20KA IOV + .l. C19 C21 47u 16V Q, . "" I +2 04 5V1 03 1N4001 REM r +1 R22 75 R21 10k - r +3 R23 + 3k6 10k g - - - "'\ r" - H ., ., 111 '!; - rr r R19 3k SPEAKER LEFT 4 OHM Q ""I (') R18 75 R20 1 47n c ;::::;: 2":;" Q, - ii)' cc ""I Q) 3 +1 '+2 R24 1k +4 L1 T80-H6510 TR1 9013 L2 R26 10k - FUSE lOA 750 ' R25 3k 02 1N4001 C29 ...L 130T C30 47n I 11O: I RED LED fg 01 1N5403 C38 "" C39 - f6V - I ff " 1n 100n I ( ( l <.. Ersatzteilliste Position Position Position Posición . Spare ParIs List . Liste de rechanges . Lista de requestos Bestell-Nr. ParI no. No. de commande Número de pedido Position Position Position Posición Bezeichnung Designation Dénomination Denomi

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