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Keithley callog ver free download

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File name:callog_ver.txt
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Model:callog ver 🔎
Original:callog ver 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2000 calsw callog_ver.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name callog_ver.txt

Keithley Model 2000 - detected, S/N ???????, Version: A20 /A02 HP 3458A detected TEMP? = 36.9 C Ambient temp = +26.4C MFC error = 138.877 ppm Measured REF DCI 5 : 9.999866219E-05 ADC, stored DCI = 0.099986 MFC error = -3.264 ppm Measured REF DCI 5 : 9.999995915E-04 ADC, stored DCI = 1.000003 MFC error = 12.983 ppm Measured REF DCI 5 : 9.999998679E-03 ADC, stored DCI = 9.999870 MFC error = -26.258 ppm Measured REF DCI 5 : 9.999993869E-02 ADC, stored DCI = 100.002626 MFC error = -88.939 ppm Measured REF DCI 5 : 9.999957488E-01 ADC, stored DCI = 1.000089 MFC error = 10000000000000000139372116959414099130712064.000 ppm MFC error = 1000000000000000044885712678075916785549312.000 ppm MFC error = -1112724.119 ppm MFC error = 9999999999999999094860208812374492184576.000 ppm MFC error = -577053.722 ppm MFC error = 75.698 ppm MFC error = 1046.746 ppm Calibrations count = 3 Calibration last date = 2016,07,21 :CAL:PROT:CODE 'KI002000' CAL MFC error = -10000000000000000139372116959414099130712064.000 ppm :CAL:PROT:DC:STEP3 -99999999999999997748809823456034029568.000000 CAL MFC error = -16.756 ppm :CAL:PROT:DC:STEP4 -9.999654

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