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Keithley cal1 free download

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File name:cal1.txt
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Model:cal1 🔎
Original:cal1 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2304a calsw cal1.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name cal1.txt

Keithley Model 2304A - detected, S/N 0672155, Version: A04 /A01 Pre-cal K2304 performance verification data - voltage source HP 3458A detected TEMP? = 37.5 C Resistance 4R entered = 3.998950 Ohm Resistance 4K entered = 3992.300000 Ohm Calibration K2304 Measured Vout = 19.001221 VDC, Deviation source 64.258632 ppm Measured Vout = 19.001037 VDC, Deviation source 54.574421 ppm Measured Vout = 7.601489 VDC, Current = 1.900871 A, Deviation source 3000783.570421 ppm Measured Vout = 7.596559 VDC, Current = 1.899638 A, Deviation source 2998188.816421 ppm Measured Vout = 19.000922 VDC, Current = 0.004759 A, Deviation source 3799184420.400000 ppm Saving calibration with date 2016 04 11

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