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Descr: Keithley 2400 calsw callog_test.txt
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File name callog_test.txt

Keithley Model 2400 - detected, S/N 0788393, Version: C32 Oct 4 2010 14:20:11/A02 /H/H Pre-cal K2400 Calibration data 0.2 DCV Range, SENS:DATA? = -1.255853E+00,-7.547438E-05,-1.255865E+00,+0.000000E+00 0.2 DCV Range, SOUR:DATA? = +3.027005E+05,+9.805352E+02,-3.026938E+05,+9.540547E+02 2.0 DCV Range, SENS:DATA? = -1.255818E+00,-7.629395E-05,-1.255898E+00,+0.000000E+00 2.0 DCV Range, SOUR:DATA? = +3.024413E+04,+2.160469E+02,-3.024334E+04,+2.133789E+02 20.0 DCV Range, SENS:DATA? = -1.255909E+01,-1.522064E-03,-1.255986E+01,+0.000000E+00 20.0 DCV Range, SOUR:DATA? = +3.024195E+03,+2.183359E+02,-3.024123E+03,+2.110820E+02 200.0 DCV Range, SENS:DATA? = -1.255817E+02,-1.463318E-02,-1.255900E+02,+0.000000E+00 200.0 DCV Range, SOUR:DATA? = +3.024431E+02,+2.181953E+02,-3.024344E+02,+2.112461E+02 1.0e-06 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.258903E-07,-7.969447E-11,-6.258224E-07,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-06 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.068293E+10,+2.121250E+02,-6.068410E+10,+2.170313E+02 1.0e-05 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.294048E-06,-4.620233E-10,-6.294329E-06,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-05 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.034448E+09,+2.100234E+02,-6.033632E+09,+2.191016E+02 1.0e-04 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.273385E-05,-4.249159E-09,-6.273701E-05,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-04 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.054307E+08,+2.098086E+02,-6.053455E+08,+2.192617E+02 1.0e-03 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.261325E-04,-4.319008E-08,-6.261630E-04,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-03 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.065957E+07,+2.098047E+02,-6.065106E+07,+2.192695E+02 1.0e-02 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.275110E-03,-4.488975E-07,-6.275468E-03,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-02 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.052646E+06,+2.099297E+02,-6.051750E+06,+2.191328E+02 1.0e-01 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.279009E-02,-4.447997E-06,-6.279366E-02,+0.000000E+00 1.0e-01 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.048887E+05,+2.099453E+02,-6.047995E+05,+2.191445E+02 1.0e+00 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = -6.287083E+00,-4.602075E-04,-6.287335E+00,+0.000000E+00 1.0e+00 DCI Range, SENS:DATA? = +6.044879E+04,+8.966484E+02,-6.044157E+04,+9.857813E+02 HP 3458A detected TEMP? = 37.5 C DCV Calibration step -0.2 mV , measured : -2.000011150E-01 VDC, deviation 5.575 ppm DCV Calibration step 0.2 mV , measured : 1.999950137E-01 VDC, deviation -24.932 ppm DCV Calibration step -2 V , measured : -2.000001226E+00 VDC, deviation 0.613 ppm DCV Calibration step 2 V , measured : 1.999990515E+00 VDC, deviation -4.743 ppm DCV Calibration step -20 V , measured : -1.999985933E+01 VDC, deviation -7.033 ppm DCV Calibration step 20 V , measured : 1.999995167E+01 VDC, deviation -2.416 ppm DCV Calibration step  -200 V , measured : -1.999999936E+02 VDC, deviation -0.032 ppm DCV Calibration step  200 V , measured : 1.999976683E+02 VDC, deviation -11.659 ppm DCI Calibration step -1 uA , measured : -9.999932723E-07 ADC, deviation -6.728 ppm DCI Calibration step 1 uA , measured : 9.999700048E-07 ADC, deviation -29.995 ppm DCI C

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