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Now downloading free:International rectifier IR2151

International rectifier IR2151 free download

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Mfg:International rectifier
Model:IR2151 🔎
Original:IR2151 🔎
Descr:Self-oscillating half-bridge driver
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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Data Sheet No. PD-6.034G IR2151 SELF-OSCILLATING HALF-BRIDGE DRIVER Features n Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation Fully operational to +600V Tolerant to negative transient voltage dV/dt immune n Undervoltage lockout n Programmable oscillator frequency Product Summary VOFFSET Duty Cycle IO+/VOUT Deadtime (typ.) 600V max. 50% 100 mA / 210 mA 10 - 20V 1.2 µs f = 1 1.4 × (R T + 75) × CT n Matched propagation delay for both channels n Low side output in phase with RT Description The IR2151 is a high voltage, high speed, self-oscillating power MOSFET and IGBT driver with both high and low side referenced output channels. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic construction. The front end features a programmable oscillator which is similar to the 555 timer. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage and an internal deadtime designed for minimum driver cross-conduction. Propagation delays for the two channels are matched to simplify use in 50% duty cycle applications. The floating channel can be used to drive an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT in the high side configuration that operates off a high voltage rail up to 600 volts. Packages Typical Connection up to 600V V CC RT CT COM VB HO VS LO TO LOAD CONTROL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGNERS MANUAL B-187 IR2151 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The Thermal Resistance and Power Dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions. Symbol VB VS VHO VLO VRT VCT ICC IRT dVs/dt PD RJA TJ TS TL Parameter Definition High Side Floating Supply Voltage High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage High Side Floating Output Voltage Low Side Output Voltage RT Voltage CT Voltage Supply Current (Note 1) RT Output Current Allowable Offset Supply Voltage Transient Package Power Dissipation @ TA +25°C Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) (8 Lead DIP) (8 Lead SOIC) (8 Lead DIP) (8 Lead SOIC) Value Min. -0.3 VB - 25 VS - 0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -- -5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -55 -- Max. 625 VB + 0.3 VB + 0.3 VCC + 0.3 VCC + 0.3 VCC + 0.3 25 5 50 1.0 0.625 125 200 150 150 300 Units V mA V/ns W °C/W °C Recommended Operating Conditions The Input/Output logic timing diagram is shown in Figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions. The VS offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential. Symbol VB VS VHO VLO ICC TA Note 1: Parameter Definition High Side Floating Supply Absolute Voltage High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage High Side Floating Output Voltage Low Side Output Voltage Supply Current (Note 1) Ambient Temperature Value Min. VS + 10 -- VS 0 -- -40 Max. VS + 20 600 VB VCC 5 125 Units V mA °C Because of the IR2151's

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