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Now downloading free:Samwha Axial MLCC

Samwha Axial MLCC free download

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Samwha Axial_MLCC.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
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Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors Radial & Axial Features This widely used ceramic capacitors includes both monolithic and multilayer types to provide a wide capacitance range of 1pF through 1 in respectly one standard size and shape(Radial & Axial). Applications The class1 temperature compensating(C0G) products can be used in circuits to stabilize frequency and temperature characteristics. The X7R, Z5U, Y5V dielectrics are optimum for by pass capacitors. Shape and Dimensions Bulk Type L W T H P CODE Max. Max. Max. Max. 0.7 d Color Marking 051B 5.5 5.5 6.4 Orange 3.2 5 0.5 Ex) 104 077B 7.7 7.6 9.2 or Gold Flat Type SAMWHA CAPACITOR Co., Ltd. Radial & Axial Code Dimensions Tolerance Code Dimensions Tolerance Code Dimensions Tolerance D( ) 4 0.3 P1 3.85 0.7 F 64.8 0, 2 H 16 0.5 P2 6.35 1.3 G 50.8~53.3 H1 9 0.76, 0.5 T 0.9 Max. H =J 1.2 H2 0 2 W1 18 0.5 J =H 1.2 L 11 Max. W2 0 0.6 Max. K 0.8 Max. L1 1.5 Max. S 5 0.7 N 5 0.4 P 12.7 0.3 No adhesive may be exposed R 3.2 Min. How to Order(Product Identification) CA 2633 Y5V 104 Z 500 F CR : Radial Lead Type The number shows the maximum length of "L" by 1/10 in millimeter, and the

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