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Now downloading free:Samwha Polymer

Samwha Polymer free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Samwha Polymer.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
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2 POLYMER ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS CONDUCTIVE POLYMER ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Hi-CAP (Conductive Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor) Hi-CAP is an electrolytic capacitor that uses a highly electric conductive polymer as it's electrolyte. Hi-CAP has excellent temperature and load life characteristics due to adoption of stable polymer in high temperature. Compared to other electrolytic capacitors, the Hi-CAP is a low impedance capacitor suitable for high frequency making it ideal for digital circuit. 1. Circuit design (1) The conducting polymer capacitor cannot be used in circuits that undergo frequent charging and discharging because the resulting internal heat buildup can cause capacitor failure. (2) Do not use the capacitor in time-constant or coupling circuits. In these type of circuit, electrical characteristics such as capacitance can change under certain environmental conditions. 2. Capacitor handling techniques (1) Capacitor insertion Incorrect land size may cause problems with capacitor placement and mountability. Refer to the land size table for appropriate design dimensions. (2) Soldering

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