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File name Nikon_battery_pack_MB10.PDF

FAW03701 - R. 3368. A 1 t'Fh!wEHl fwml=ml I Multi Power Vertical Grip MB-1 O REPAIR MANUAL Nikonl NIKON CORPORATION Tokyo, Japan ,@ Copyright 1994 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED *B%6S?EST!! Printed in Japan October FAWC13701-R.3368. A iHiEl Wiring Diogrom %/RED m[ + ) Power(+) ~+-.. m II II H A \ ( t\ ,' mii[-) ,. Power[-) yt, \ > /ltA b= g * Releose/Pre-releose SW u %lxl Circuit Diagram ... VBf?T G N D R L S H F I N RESET "- - - -7"I -"- -T- - -w"7 -"- -$Ti%;7"- - - -l \Dl :. .-. ---------- ---- . . . . . J H1-VBRT I b! 4HL-CS2 &L-B'"4 7 IL-GND1 NL-GND2 bY-~H Releose SW lL-GRPSH&H ! Pre-releose SW : ... ­l­ FAW03701 - R. 3368. A Ei!m+qm ,,. . .-. . . .. . ; _.. _----" . . , ` -- -" Multi Power Vertical Grip MB-1 O PARTS LIST M$EmJluii3E Nikonl NIKON CORPORATION Tokyo, Japan (@ Copyright 1994 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SIEiG@&s Y!! Printed in Japan October A El 1% El Exploded I Drawings B FAW03701 -R. 3368. A ( (1 o) G1-17045FDx2 (5) 1K681-757 1 m (5) 1B991-149 0 G1-171)60FA (10) f% i ,. -----n G1-17045FDX7 (lo) (1) 19991-152 :­ 1K371-439-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !7 `i)­ .---- ------ ------. --------- ___ _ (5) 1-439-2 1 I I I I 2 I I I I I I 11 1 ; I I I I I , 1 I I !., m b. , \ \ -- =,4 1 I I I I / ,) L _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- ­ _ -- _ ­ ­ -- 4 Fig. 1 ­Pl­ A .> (5) 1K400-361-1 ~ @ 9 w R -- I FAW03701-R. 3368. A (10) (5) 1 K625-1 38-1 1 (10) KO1 O-276 Q y­. 1 KO1 O-275X4 ` \ El], . x . @ G2-20035FAx2 I ( m Y '-"2 A-"" II u K20 (5) (m 1K371-861 ";fl #:;'"' / (1) (5) -cm `" 1K225-217 (lo) 7 = I'K68'-752-' ~ 1B991­147 / 1 ~ &kj (1) 1K681-755-1 1 KO1 O-304X2 y'Jl+Jy Fig. 2 ­p Z__ A -- -- -- -- -- -------- __= 1 I ~lB99 I I I I I B t%~finl IWAW9 UL Luu?,lr nAL B (lo) FAW03701 -R. 3368. A G1-1703 i x 1 : & I I I --w! I W- I I ufan \ / / 0/ ,,,"., (554 @ m A /'-' p S1-01500SX `-- ` ~ G1-17035FAx2 (lo) _ lKO1 0-303 Inltl­ \ !!{ I / 7 "240-'75 .- `+~- -- I m Jjfyf ~lo) @ G1-20080FD G1-20055FAx2 & lK400-3~~!l (10) ~ ~ ki &i I ­ A1-20028FAx4 - (5) 1K117-852 Fig. ­P 3 ­ 3 =.=.= Par ts L i s t mfJ#% Ckt No. 1KO1O-275 lKOIO-276 1KO1O-3O3 1KO1O-3O4 lK1 16-706 1K117-852 1K117-853 1KI17-B54 IK1 17-855-1 1K117-856-I 1K117-857-I 1K117-853-2 IKI 17-859 MB­lo % % $ Name I 3% iw&Rl#9 B* `CS. Per hit Assembly 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18981-152 IB891-152 1B881-152 1B891-152 FAW03701­ R. 3368. A m u Fig. No. 2 BI -- 2 B1 3 B1 -- 2 83 -- 3 M -- 3 83 2 A3 3 A2 1 83 1 A3 1 A3 1 A3 -- 3 M 2 Al 3 A3 -- 3 B1 mlm `em of klivery Remrks Q&per 10 10 -----+ 41 42 84 85 69 19 43 44 45 46 47 48 Screw Screw Screw Screw scY47Jb 0­1)>7 S/C dial O-ring ~ti,iTripod screw base cover P%fi=)b b A Drop-proof sponge A !!3R5=)b F B Drop-proof sponge B E!iw*Jb b c Drop-proof sponge C i?hi#i*)bhD Drop-proof sponge D ER?i*Jb F E Drop-proof sponge E 0 o 0 0 0 o

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