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Now downloading free:Samwha Ceramic Capacitor

Samwha Ceramic Capacitor free download

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Ceramic Type Introduction SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high reliability and small size. With wide selection of temperature characteristics and voltage ratings, the user can make use for in various DISC Ceramic Capacitors circuit application. special specification like a Automobile, Medical, Military, Aviation should be discuss with our sales representatives How to Order CC C 1H 120 J 04 F K 5 Mark Product Name Mark Product Name CC, EC Temperature Compensating Type SD AC250/400V(Testing Voltage : AC4000V) CK, EK High Dielectric Type SC AC250(Testing Voltage : AC2500V) CG Semiconductive Type CE, EC Type (PPM ) CK, EK, CG, SC, SD Type C NPO(0) T N470( 470) B Y5P( 10~ 10%) L N80( 80) U N750( 750) R Y5R( 15~ 15%) P N150( 150) O SL( 350~ 1000) E Y5U( 22~ 56%) R N220( 220) F Y5V( 22~ 82%) S N330( 330) Fz Z4V( 22~ 82%) 1A 10V 1B 12.5V 1C 16V 1E 25V 1H 50V 2A 100V 2B 125V 2E 250V 2G 400V 2H 500V 3A 1KV 3B 1.25KV 3D 2KV 3F 3.15KV 3G 4KV 3H 5KV 3J 6.3KV 4A 10KV 4B 12.5KV 4C 16KV SAMWHA CAPACITOR Co., Ltd. Ceramic Type (in picofarads) The first two digits indicate significant digits. The 3rd digit indicate the number of zero following. R denotes decimal. Ex.)0.5 -OR5, 10 -100, 100 -101 Mark Cap. Tolerance Mark

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