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Now downloading free:SOLARTRON lh0052

SOLARTRON lh0052 free download

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Model:lh0052 🔎
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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment SOLARTRON 7081 Mickle diagrams lh0052.pdf
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LH0042 Low Cost FET Op Amp February 1995 LH0042 Low Cost FET Op Amp General Description The LH0042 is a FET input operational amplifier with very The LH0042 op amp is intended to fulfill a wide variety of high input impedance and low input currents with no com- applications for process control medical instrumentation promise in noise common mode rejection ratio open loop and other systems requiring very low input currents The gain or slew rate The LH0042 is internally compensated LH0042 provides low cost high performance for such appli- and is free of latch-up cations as electrometer and photocell amplification pico- The LH0042 is specified for operation over the b55 C to ammeters and high input impedance buffers a 125 C military temperature range The LH0042C is speci- fied for operation over the b25 C to a 85 C temperature Features range Y High open loop gain 100 dB typ Y Internal compensation Y Pin compatible with standard IC op amps (TO-99 package) Connection Diagram Metal Can Package TL K 5557

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