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Voltage Maintenance Program Software to Maintain your Laboratory Volt VoltRef provides the power of automation for maintaining statistical control of the volt in your laboratory. This program controls a low thermal scanner and voltmeter to compare voltage standards using the process recommended by NIST and other national laboratories. Fully automate voltage measurements with VoltRef to improve your results and reduce labor. Improvements can be achieved by reducing the errors caused by the handling of leads and by increasing the quality and quantity of voltage comparisons. Data Proof provides the ideal solution for laboratories who have three or more voltage references and require sub parts per million accuracy. Friendly interactive operations include: For both standard cells and solid state references Ten-to-one scaling with 0.2 ppm typical accuracy Prints out complete analysis reports Stores results of measurements Plots graphs of historical data for analysis Delay start and auto repeat for tests Tracks and corrects for voltage drift DATA PROOF 2562 Lafayette Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050 phone: (408) 919-1799; fax: (408) 907-3710 [email protected], VoltRef Overview Ten-To-One Scaling Data Proof software is the industry standard for making Special ten-to-one and one-to-ten routines are included to precision voltage measurements. Data Proof equipment allow comparisons between 1, 1.08 and 10-volt standards. is maintaining the volt in hundreds of commercial and Accuracy of 0.2 ppm can be realized using suitable national laboratories around the world. To make voltage 8

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