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Data proof scanner free download

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Original:scanner 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Data proof scanner.pdf
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LOW THERMAL SCANNER Models: 160B and 320B FEATURES USES Data Proof Low Thermal Scanners with Thermals typically < 15 or 20 nanovolts extremely low thermal offsets are ideal for Front Panel or bus operation automating precision measurements to sub-ppm Dual output configuration with accuracy. This versatile dual scanner has two 16 or 32 inputs pairs of output lines that make it suitable for a wide variety of uses. It can be used to make Four terminal measurements difference measurements for comparing voltage Standard cell protection reference standards, as well as four-terminal Simple operation measurements on resistance devices. LOW THERMAL DESIGN TWO MODELS AVAILABLE Special care has been taken to minimize thermal A choice of two scanners is available. The Model offsets. The switches used are latching relays 160B has 16 input channels and the Model 320B has requiring only a short pulse to actuate, and thus no 32 channels. Four different input connections are also self-heating occurs. Two types of low thermal relays available. The Option 1,3 and 4 has 6 foot cables to are used depending upon the model. Scanners will connect directly to the devices under test, and the contain a customized sealed relay or a Printact

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