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Now downloading free:AVID ve avid diva

AVID ve avid diva free download

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Model:ve avid diva 🔎
Original:ve avid diva 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment AVID Diva ve_avid_diva.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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ENGLISH AVID DIVA TUR NTAB L E S Y S TE M PLEASE FULLY READ THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ASSEMBLE YOUR NEW TURNTABLE PACKAGING Save all the packing in a dry place away from fire hazard. The DIVA Turntable is a precision instrument and the packaging has been especially designed so that all component parts are safe during transportation. We recommend that you do not transport with turntable assembled and never with the bearing fitted. CONTENTS Warnings 2 Mains Supply Frequency 2 Specifications 2 Box Contents and Drawings 3 Set-Up Instructions 4 Pick-Up Arm Adjustments 5 Suspension Installation and Adjustment 6 Drive System and Alignment 7 Motor/PSU Connections 8 PSU Operation 8 Clamp Operation 8 Power Supply Fuse 9 Cleaning 9 Warranty 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARRANTY EXTENSION Return slip with your details and you will sent our extended 5 year warrenty. NAME:____________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________ __________________________________________________ S/N______ DEALER:__________PURCH

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