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Now downloading free:CREST hfe crest audio cpx 900 1500 2600 en

CREST hfe crest audio cpx 900 1500 2600 en free download

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File name:hfe_crest_audio_cpx_900_1500_2600_en.pdf
[preview hfe crest audio cpx 900 1500 2600 en]
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Model:hfe crest audio cpx 900 1500 2600 en 🔎
Original:hfe crest audio cpx 900 1500 2600 en 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment CREST CPX 2600 hfe_crest_audio_cpx_900_1500_2600_en.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name hfe_crest_audio_cpx_900_1500_2600_en.pdf

owner's manual CPX S E R I E S CPX power amplifier 20 23 20 23 ON 16 26 16 26 A B 6 29 6 29 (dB) 32 PWR SIG GCLTM GCLTM SIG PWR (dB) 32 CPX 2600 POWER AMPLIFIER POWER CPX 900 CPX 1500 CPX 2600 important precautions 1 Save the carton and packing materi- Service Information als! Should you ever need to ship Do not run the output of any ampli- the unit, use only the original factory fier channel back into another Do not remove the cover! packing. channel's input. Removing the cover will expose you to potentially dangerous voltages. For replacement packaging, call Crest Do not parallel- or series-con- There are no user serviceable parts Audio's Customer Service Department nect an amplifier output with any inside. directly. other amplifier output. Equipment should be serviced 2 Read all documentation before Crest Audio is not responsible for by qualified service personnel operating your equipment. Retain damage to loudspeakers for any rea- when: all documentation for future reference. son. A. The power supply cord or the plug has Do not connect the inputs or out- been damaged. 3 Follow all instructions printed on puts of amplifiers to any other unit chassis for proper opera- voltage source: such as a battery, B. The equipment has been exposed to tion. mains source, or power supply, rain. regardless of whether the amplifier

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