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Now downloading free:Wietron m8050lt1

Wietron m8050lt1 free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Wietron m8050lt1.pdf
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M8050LT1 NPN General Purpose Transistors 3 P b Lead(Pb)-Free 1 2 SOT-23 Value V CEO 25 40 5.0 800 300 2.4 417 0.1 25 100 40 100 5.0 35 0.15 u 4.0 0.15 u WEITRON 1/4 15-Jul-10 M8050LT1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25 C unless otherwise noted) (Countinued) Characteristics Symbol Min Max UnitM ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain (IC=100 mAdc, VCE=1.0 Vdc) hFE (1) 100 600 - 0.5 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) - Vdc (IC=800 mAdc, IB=80mAdc) CLASSIFICATION OF hFE(1) Rank P Q R S Range 100-200 150-300 200-400 300-600 Marking 80P 1YC 1YE 80S WEITRON 2/4 15-Jul-10 M8050LT1 1000 1 VCE=1V Saturation Voltage (V) 100 hFE 0.1 10

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