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NEI Ind200 free download

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Model:Ind200 🔎
Original:Ind200 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment NEI service data nei Ind200.txt
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File name Ind200.txt

IND200 /INDIANA 200 CHASSIS #G This chassis is very similar to the Indiana 100 with the exception of the TCR (Tuning Control Panel). This panel also contains the Teletext Chipset and Colour decoder, some versions are non Text. Handsets are also different. Some versions made in Romania have an electronically switched A/V board. For all other faults please see IND100. #1 HANDSETS. This handset contains a SAA 3010 Ic with a Matrix style Keyboard and a pair of I R Diodes. No Operation. Check output with Infra Red detector, if no output check battery voltage, battery contacts, ceramic resonator and IC. #2 TCR PANEL IC300 MICROCONTROLLER. This panel uses a PCA84C640/030 micro-controller which has an I2C architecture, this is a fairly rugged device, unless there is a serious CRT Flash-over. This device provides the following functions:- Key panel Control,Tuning control and Analog memory control, On screen Display, and Teletext Control. AFC control. Tuner Band Switching. This is fitted to Tv's for the Irish and European markets only, the OSD will display the Band selected and will auto switch at the end of each sweep. On UK only versions the band switching components are removed, a +12v supply is hardwired via link J1 to the Tuner and the OSD band switching is disabled by fitting J2. Tuning Control. Not Tuning but OSD progresses. Check output pin 1 IC300, this should be a 5V p/p square wave whose markspace ratio changes with tuning progression. Check +33V ref voltage source D001, if low replace D001 and C001 (CRT may have flashed over). Q300 faulty, R312 o/c. Tuning Drift or AFC not controlling. Gain of Q300 changing, R312 changing value, R313/R314/R364 changing value, C304/C306/C322 leaky, K300 connector pins or Pcb tracks to tuner intermittent. Squarewave from Pin 1 mark- space ratio changing (unlikely but if so check X300 and IC300). AFC Drift. First check Tuning voltage is not shifting ie 1V = 15Mhz approx, if stable, set AFC using method in manual. If still drifting check R327/R328, Q307 and C309 leaky. Sweep Tuning Faults. Will not stop sweeping. Ident missing to pin 29 when passing a Video signal, due to K300 P6 o/c, any components assoc with Q310/Q311. Slow Tuning and Slow Function Operation. Look at the SDA and SCA lines, if there are bursts of pulses and not continuous, the +12V supply is missing to IC 900 (Text only),which upsets the Data and clock line, Look at the Pcb Tracks going through the Small Interlace PCB, the +12v line will be broken Keyboard Matrix Faulty. This is usually K301 or the Ribbon Wire broken at the Control Pcb. If just one button is faulty on Turkish models, it can be removed,rotated by 180 degrees and refitted, on Romanian versions the button must be replaced if cleaning does not w

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