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Now downloading free:Agilent 5989-6841EN Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 - Technical Overview c20140919 [26]

Agilent 5989-6841EN Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 - Technical Overview c20140919 [26] free download

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File name 5989-6841EN Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 - Technical Overview c20140919 [26].pdf

Keysight Technologies Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 Technical Overview Vector Network Analyzer-based and Time Domain Reflectometer-based Systems Includes "What's New in PLTS 2014 Software What's New with PLTS 2014? The new Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 includes The 1-port automatic fixture removal tool is a breakthrough novel features that will help solve real world problems extension of the 2X THRU AFR that saves the user from for today's signal integrity engineers. There are so many designing and fabricating special calibration structures on signal integrity tools available for design, analysis, and PCBs. Now, the test fixture itself can be used as the "1X troubleshooting of high-speed interconnects it's difficult THRU" structure with an open circuit on port 2. This is to manage them all. The Keysight Technologies, Inc. PLTS extremely helpful when working with FPGA applications design team has created version 2014, integrating new where it is nearly impossible to create a normal 2X THRU features into PLTS for a substantial boost in productivity. structure. Furthermore, the accuracy can be enhanced by using additional calibration structures together such as an PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for open, short and/or THRU. This error correction flexibility measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. gives the signal integrity engineer more control over Wizards help users to calibrate and measure multiport accuracy versus ease-of-use decisions that need to be devices with ease. Once measured, PLTS has a rich set of made for leading edge applications. displays, analysis, data reformatting and conversion tools, as well as a versatile set of import and export capabilities. PLTS works with PNA and ENA network analyzers, and TDRs. Data and transmission line models can be exported to, or imported from simulation tools. The analysis features include single-ended and differential plots in frequency or time, as well as eye diagrams and RCLG model extraction. Major tool advancements Many usability features have been incorporated into PLTS 2014, but there are two new capabilities that are considered breakthrough for the technical industry. The first is multi-channel simulation (Figure 1) and the other is 1-port automatic fixture removal (AFR)(Figure 2). Together they create a time saving tool that helps the experienced Figure 1. Multi-channel simulation capability allows users to quickly measure user accomplish more advanced analysis of the physical a channel, remove any fixtures, and then simulate the measured channels' layer channel. performance using the newly added capability

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