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Agilent Technologies | ADN | Agilent E1420 VXIplug&play Instrument Driver Read Me Agilent E1420 VXIplug&play Instrument Driver Read Me README.TXT for HP E1420 Counter Contents: 1 Introduction 2 VTL/VISA Specific Information 2.1 Instrument Addresses 2.2 Executing the Soft Front Panel without VTL/VISA 3 Using the HP E1420 Driver in Application Development Environments 3.1 C/C++ 3.2 Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 Known Defects 5.0 Online Information 6.0 Revision History - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction The help file included with the HP E1420 VXIplug&play driver contains instrument and programming information. This readme file contains additional information for the HP VXIplug&play programmer. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. VTL/VISA Specific Information The following topics refer to instances when the driver is used with different versions of VTL. 2.1 Instrument Addresses When using HP VXIplug&play instrument drivers, instrument addresses must (1 of 3) [4/6/2006 11:02:51 AM] Agilent Technologies | ADN | Agilent E1420 VXIplug&play Instrument Driver Read Me be all uppercase letters. Implementation of the addressing scheme is vendor specific and some vendors support mixed cases. However, for maximum portability, the instrument address should use uppercase characters only. For example: use "VXI0::56::INSTR" instead of "vxi0::56::instr" 2.2 Executing the Soft Front Panel without VTL/VISA The VTL/VISA dynamic link library provides a communication library between your program and the instrument. The SFP may be executed without VISA or without the HPE1420.dll present. It will do a partial emulation of the hardware for demo purposes. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Using the HP E1420 Driver in Application Development Environments This section offers suggestions on using the hpe1420.dll within various application development environments. 3.1 C/C++ Refer to your C/C++ manuals for information on linking and calling .DLLs. Rebuilding the driver DLL should be done in a different directory than the one the driver was installed in order to differentiate the changes. 3.2 Microsoft Visual Basic Refer to the Microsoft Visual BASIC manual for information on calling DLLs. The BASIC include file is hpe1420.bas, which is contained in the directory ~vxipnpwinXXinclude. The ~ refers to the directory in the VXIPNP variable. By default this is set to C:. winXX refers to the operating system -- win95 or winNT. 4.0 Known Defects - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 Online Information The latest copy of this VXIplug&play driver and other HP (2 of 3) [4/6/2006 11:02:51 AM] Agilent Technologies | ADN | Agilent E1420 VXIplug&play Instrumen

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