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Now downloading free:Agilent U1273-90004 English 2013-09-03 PDF 1.77 MB c20130905 [20]

Agilent U1273-90004 English 2013-09-03 PDF 1.77 MB c20130905 [20] free download

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File name U1273-90004 English _ 2013-09-03 _ PDF 1.77 MB c20130905 [20].pdf

Agilent U1273A/U1273AX Handheld Digital Multimeter Quick Start Guide Verify that you received the following items in the shipment of your multimeter: One pair of red and black test leads One pair of 4 mm test probes One K-type thermocouple lead kit Four 1.5 V AAA alkaline batteries (for U1273A) or lithium batteries (for U1273AX) Printed copies of the Certificate of Calibration (CoC) and the U1273A/U1273AX Quick Start Guide (this manual) If any item is missing or damaged, keep the shipping materials and contact the nearest Agilent Sales Office. NO TE The descriptions and instructions in this guide apply to the U1273A/U1273AX handheld digital multimeter. All related documents and software are available for download at Agilent Technologies U1273A/U1273AX Handheld Digital Multimeter Install the Batteries Install the Batteries Your multimeter is powered by four 1.5 V AAA batteries (included with the shipment). 1 Turn the rotary switch to OFF and remove the test leads from the terminals. 2 Lift the tilt stand and loosen the screws with a suitable Phillips screwdriver. 3 Remove the battery cover and observe the polarity markings. 4 Insert the batteries and replace the battery cover and screws. Turn On the Multimeter To power ON your multimeter, turn the rotary switch from the OFF position to any other position. NO TE Your multimeter is capable of remote data logging. To use this feature, you will need an IR-USB cable (U1173A, purchased separately) and the Agilent GUI Data Logger Software (down- loadable from Auto Dim By default, the multimeter's Auto Dim function is enabled. The multimeter's backlight will dim automatically after 90 seconds of inactivity. Press any button to cancel this effect and reset the Auto Dim timer. You may change how the multimeter's backlight behavior through the Setup menu. Refer to the User's Guide for further instructions. 2 U1273A/U1273AX Quick Start Guide U1273A/U1273AX Handheld Digital Multimeter The Multimeter at a Glance The Multimeter at a Glance Display screen Keypad Rotary switch Input terminals Test lead/probe holders

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