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Now downloading free:Agilent PENPROBE.CA RF Probe-test Solution up to 110GHz 5991-1343EN c20140724 [2]

Agilent PENPROBE.CA RF Probe-test Solution up to 110GHz 5991-1343EN c20140724 [2] free download

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File name PENPROBE.CA RF Probe-test Solution up to 110GHz 5991-1343EN c20140724 [2].pdf

Product Fact Sheet Keysight and Yokowo Co., Ltd. PENPROBE.CA RF Probe-test Solution up to 110GHz PENPROBE. CA's Features Detachable Probe-unit Recently, higher frequency RF test requirements are PENPROBE.CA series embodies several favorable features All the Probe-units in the PENPROBE.CA are detachable increasing rapidly based on the development of high to support our customers. PENPROBE.CA consists of from the probe body. Each Probe-unit in Form A (30 degrees speed semiconductor devices. 67GHz VNA with 500GHz Probe-unit and probe body. touchdown angle) can be dismounted from the probe body or 1THz extenders, already commercially available. To and replaced by different contactor configuration Probe-unit cope with these measurement equipment PENPROBE.CA's Probe-unit is detachable from its probe among GSG, GS, SG with various pitch. For different advancements, YOKOWO decided to provide new RF body, thus offering a low cost solution by using the probe frequencies Probe-unit can also be replaced among 40GHz, probe-test solutions for our customers. Let us introduce body for different frequency testing. For this purpose, 50GHz, 67GHz and 110GHz. Please note that Probe-unit our product "PENPROBE.CA" below. Probe-unit is also available as a separate item. of Form A (30 degrees touchdown angle) can't be mounted Another feature is the installation easiness of PENPROBE.CA on the Form B (45 degrees touchdown angle) probe body , PENPROBE.CA thanks to the good coplanarity of plated Ni-contactors. This Form C (dual, 30 degrees) nor Form D (dual, 45degrees). This PENPROBE.CA is designed for RF probe-test with coaxial advantage will become valuable especially in the GSGSG relationship is valid for other Form's Probe-unit as well. cable system. Its probe-contactors are made of photo- type contactors. lithographic plat

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