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Agilent 5967-5661E English 2014-07-31 PDF 870 KB c20140827 [12] free download

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Keysight Technologies 8 Hints for Making Better Measurements Using Analog RF Signal Generators Application Note Signal sources provide precise, HINT 1. HINT 5. highly stable test signals for a variety of component and system Improve Source's Effective Combine Source Outputs for TOI test applications. Signal gener- Harmonic Distortion Measurements ators add precision modulation Use a low pass ilter at the output of Use a proper setup to isolate sources, capabilities, and are used to sim- your source to decrease its harmonic improve match. ulate system signals for receiver distortion. performance testing. HINT 6. This Keysight Technologies, Inc. HINT 2. Improve FM Deviation Accuracy guide helps you improve the Increase Power Level Accuracy accuracy of your measurements Use the Bessel Null method to set that involve using RF analog signal Use a power meter to increase the your signal generator's frequency sources. You may increase the accuracy of the signal level at your deviation. accuracy of your data by using device under test (DUT). more than one of the hints in your HINT 7. test setup. HINT 3. Extend the Amplitude Range Improve Frequency Accuracy Use an ampliier or an attenuator to Select the appropriate frequency increase or decrease respectively, the reference to improve absolute or amplitude range of your signal source. relative frequency accuracy. HINT 8. HINT 4. Select the Optimum Phase Noise

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