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Agilent English 2014-03-17 PDF 3.25 MB 5991-4038EN c20140917 [13] free download

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Keysight Technologies Automotive Serial Bus Testing Using Keysight's InfiniiVision X-Series and Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes Application Note Introduction The primary reason engineers use oscilloscopes to debug and characterize automotive serial buses such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay, BroadR-Reach, and MOST, is because of an oscilloscope's inherent ability to characterize the analog quality of these signals. Performing analog characterization using an oscilloscope is often referred to as "physical layer" testing. Serial bus protocol analyzers are optimized for performing measurements at the "application layer". Instruments such as these are focused on providing trace flow of data at a higher abstraction level -- but at the cost of providing little or no physical layer measurement capability. This application note will show a few examples of characterizing the performance of various automotive serial buses. The examples provided use a Keysight Technologies, Inc. InfiniiVision X-Series and an Infiniium S-Series oscilloscope and illustrate the strength of each platform. Also included is a summary of recommended probing solutions, and how to select which oscilloscope platform may best suit your particular automotive debugging and analysis measurement needs. 03 | Keysight | Automotive Serial Bus Testing Using Keysight's InfiniiVision X-Series and Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes - Application Note Decoding and Triggering on CAN, LIN, and FlexRay Inherently an oscilloscope is designed to the bottom of the scope's display are the Another unique capability of Keysight's show the quality of analog signals. However decode traces that are time-correlated to InfiniiVision X-Series oscilloscope is hard- in the case of these buses specifically, just each captured packet (Ch1/yellow trace = ware-based decoding. This means that fast seeing is often not enough. Many oscillo- CAN bus, Ch2/green trace = LIN bus). The waveform update rates can be maintained scopes today can be set up to trigger on upper half of the scope's display shows the (up to 1,000,000 waveforms/sec), and decode specific events to bring into focus the details time-interleaved protocol decode lister/table. update rates are virtually real-time. This of how these buses communicate. Decoding The time-interleaved lister display shown in enhances the scopes ability to capture random and triggering on common automotive serial the expanded view in Figure 1(b) is unique to and infrequent communication errors such as control buses such as CAN, LIN, and FlexRay Keysight InfiniiVision X-Series oscilloscopes. error frames because the scope doesn't have is essential fo

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