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Agilent Parametric Test Basics 1-Parametric Test Basic c20130117 [1] free download

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Excerpt Edition This PDF is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of the Parametric Measurement Handbook. The Parametric Measurement Handbook Third Edition March 2012 Chapter 1: Parametric Test Basics "The central activity of engineering, as distinguished from science, is the design of new devices, processes and systems." -- Myron Tribus What is parametric test? The question as to what constitutes parametric test is an interesting one and is possibly open to some debate. Nevertheless, in general parametric test involves the electrical testing and characterization of four main types of semiconductor devices: resistors, diodes, transistors, and capacitors. This is not to say that parametric test never involves the testing of other device types; however, the vast majority of parametric test structures can be classified into one of these categories or considered to be a combination of these categories. Transistors Diodes Resistors Capacitors Figure 1.1. Parametric test involves the testing of these four basic device types. The vast majority of parametric testing involves either current versus voltage (IV) or capacitance versus voltage (CV) measurements. To many people parametric test means "DC" testing, but this is not an accurate description. Of course, it can take source/monitor units (SMUs) anywhere from milliseconds to seconds to make a measurement, which is certainly "slow" by the standards of functional testers (which typically perform measurements in the nanosecond or picosecond range). However, in recent years the need to perform extremely fast parametric measurements (1

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