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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-3468EN Humidity-dependent AFM Nanolithography - Application Note c20141020 [2]

Agilent 5991-3468EN Humidity-dependent AFM Nanolithography - Application Note c20141020 [2] free download

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File name 5991-3468EN Humidity-dependent AFM Nanolithography - Application Note c20141020 [2].pdf

Keysight Technologies Humidity-dependent AFM Nanolithography Application Brief Introduction Effect of RH on AFM- the tip can be formed once a conduc- tive probe is used and a suficient The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 7500 based Nanolithography bias is applied to the probe while the AFM system is comprised of a sealed sample is connected to a grounding In AFM operation, water present on cable. As a consequence, the existing environmental chamber with a built- sample surfaces at nonzero RH could water between the tip and sample can in sensor to monitor the local relative lead to the formation of meniscus be electrolyzed to generate oxygen humidity (RH) and temperature around around the tip when the cantilever is in radicals that will subsequently lead to the sample. In addition, the eight preset contact with the sample. Since material an oxidation of neighboring regions of ports through to the chamber at the transport through the liquid meniscus the sample. AFM base allow the easy incorpora- has been proposed as one of the pos- tion of 7500 AFM with an external gas sible mechanisms for probe mediated humidiication system, thus allowing deposition (PMD), the effect of RH on Humidity-dependent the control of the RH during AFM measurements. this type of AFM-based nanolithog- AFM Nanolithography raphy has been well reported. For instance, the size of the meniscus is via Tip-directed Electro- Membranes have emerged as an at- tractive material for separating gases proven to be critical for the results of chemical Reactions dip-pen nanolithography (DPN). from liquid and gaseous streams due to Shown in Figure 2a is an example of their advantages of low energy require- The impact of RH on other types of AFM AFM-based nanolithography using me

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