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Now downloading free:Agilent E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 3 GHz - Data Sheet 5990-9882EN c20141205 [22]

Agilent E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 3 GHz - Data Sheet 5990-9882EN c20141205 [22] free download

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File name:E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 3 GHz - Data Sheet 5990-9882EN c20141205 [22].pdf
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File name E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 3 GHz - Data Sheet 5990-9882EN c20141205 [22].pdf

Keysight Technologies E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 3 GHz Data Sheet Deinitions Specification (spec.): Warranted performance. Specifications include guardbands to account for the expected statistical performance distribution, measurement uncertainties, and changes in performance due to environmental conditions. Supplemental information is intended to provide information that is helpful for using the instrument but that is not guaranteed by the product warranty. Typical (typ.): Describes performance that will be met by a minimum of 80% of all products. It is not guaranteed by the product warranty. Supplemental performance data (SPD): Represents the value of a parameter that is most likely to occur; the expected mean or average. It is not guaranteed by the product warranty. General characteristics: A general, descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance. 2 Basic Measurement Characteristic Measurement parameters Impedance parameters |Z|, |Y|, Ls, Lp, Cs, Cp, Rs, Rp, X, G, B, D, Q,

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