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Now downloading free:Agilent 5992-0094EN English 2014-09-16 PDF 545 KB c20140919 [16]

Agilent 5992-0094EN English 2014-09-16 PDF 545 KB c20140919 [16] free download

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File name 5992-0094EN English _ 2014-09-16 _ PDF 545 KB c20140919 [16].pdf

Keysight Technologies Electronic Warfare Signal Generation: Technologies and Methods Application Note Introduction Productive and eficient engineering of electronic warfare (EW) systems requires the generation of test signals that accurately and repeatably represent the EW environment. Simulation of multi-emitter environments, in particular, is vital to ensure realistic and representative testing. Currently, these multi-emitter environments are simulated with large, complex, custom systems that are employed in the system qualiication and veriication stage, and not widely available to EW design engineers as R&D test equipment. Designers working on optimization and pre-qualiication are there- fore at a disadvantage compared to wireless engineers performing similar tasks. Engineers often learn of the nature and magnitude of performance problems later in the design phase, leading to delays, design rework, and solutions that are not well-optimized. This application note will summarize the available technological approaches for EW signal and en- vironment simulation, and the latest progress in lexible, high-idelity solutions. For example, recent innovations in digital-to-analog converters (DACs) have brought direct digital synthesis (DDS) signal generation into the realm of practicality for EW applications through advances in both bandwidth and signal quality. DDS solutions and other innovations in agile frequency and power control will be discussed in the context of improving design-phase EW engineering productivity. 03 | Keysight | Electronic Warfare Signal Generation: Technologies and Methods - Application Note Realism and Fidelity in Multi-Emitter Environments Validation and veriication of EW systems is heavily dependent on testing with realistic signal environments. EW test realism increases as high-idelity emitters are added to create density. In addition to emitter idelity and density, platform motion, emitter scan patterns, receiver antenna models, direction of arrival, and multipath and atmospheric models enhance the ability to test EW systems under realistic conditions. EW systems are now designed to identify emitters using precise direction inding and pulse param- eterization in dense environments of 8 to 10 million pulses per second. The cost of test is as important as test realism, as the relationship between cost and test idelity is exponential. As test equipment becomes more cost effective and capable, more EW testing can be performed on the ground--in a lab or chamber--rather than in light. Even though light testing can add test capability, it does so at great cost and is typically done later in the program lifecycle, adding risk and further cost to the program through missed deadlines if the system under test (SUT) fails. It is far better to test early in a lab environment with as much realism as possible where tests can be easily repeated to

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