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JOURNAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION FROM THE HEWLETT-PACKARD LABORATORIES VOL 1 No. 6 SHED ALTO, FEBRUARY, HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY, 1950 New 0.07-10 Microsecond General-Purpose Pulse Generator THE new -hp- 212 A generates pulses of occurrence of the major output pulse, which have extremely good waveform however, is continuously adjustable from 10 and which are adjustable in duration over a microseconds before to 100 microseconds range from at least 0.07 to 10 microseconds. after the occurrence of the sync out pulse. These pulses are obtained from a circuit that Photographs of oscilloscope traces of three has been maintained at a convenient value typical major output pulses of different du (50 ohms) to permit ready use without de ration are shown in Figure 1 . The time of terioration of the pulse shape in practical rise and decay of the pulses is distinguishable loads. In other respects the -hp- 212 A has only in the photograph of the shortest pulse, been made as flexible as possible: the maxi where the pulse width is 0.07 microsecond. mum output voltage of 50 volts loaded or It can be seen that the rise and decay times 100 volts open circuit is sufficiently high for are each less than 0.02 microsecond. most types of test work, an output attenua The degree of freedom from jitter is indi tor reduces the output voltage in known cated by the sharp trace on the leading and steps, pulses can be generated at any repeti trailing edges of the pulses in Figure 1 . These tion rate from 50 to 5000 pps, and the circuit photographs were made from a synchroscope can be triggered from an external synchro whose sweep was triggered from the trigger nizing or sync in pulse. pulse generated by the -hp- 212A; that is, In addition to the major output pulse, the the synchroscope sweep was not internally -hp- 212 A generates a trigger or sync out synchronized. Thus, these photographs, pulse of approximately 2 microseconds du which were exposed for a large fraction of a ration. The time of occurrence of the sync minute, include the jitter in the trigger pulse out pulse is fixed at 1 5 microseconds follow and the major pulse itself, as well as any ing an in

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