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Agilent M9392A Multichannel Application 5990-9967EN c20121115 [16] free download

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Agilent Modular Products M9392A PXI Vector Signal Analyzer Application Note Multichannel Streaming Solution Ch Challenge the Boundaries of Test Agilent Modular Products Us ing RF re c o r d i ng tec h n ique s t o c ap t u re a n d a n a lyz e i n t e rf e re n c e i n t h e sig n al en viro n m e nt The airwaves are becoming increasingly crowded as demand for RF spectrum continues to grow. As a result, every type of wireless communica- tion system faces a complex and unpredictable signal environment. By capturing and analyzing intermittent problems at high frequencies and wide bandwidths--with Agilent's two-channel PXI gapless recording system--engineers can troubleshoot a wide range of problems in the development of new RF and microwave devices. This application note will walk you through the issues and take a close look at the solution and results. I n tr odu c ti o n Y o ur Benefi ts The purpose of this application note is to take a closer Achieve successful wireless designs look at the challenges of capturing data from an RF Capture and analyze intermittent problems at environment and how this is simplified with Agilent's high frequencies multichannel PXI recording and analysis solution to wide bandwidths achieve successful RF and microwave product design. Troubleshoot a wide range of problems in the development of RF and microwave devices Des c r ip tio n The recommended solution consists of: A p p l i c ati o ns A two-channel, 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz, Agilent M9392A Aerospace and defense vector signal analysis system Wireless communications Software applications: Radar and wideband signal capture Agilent's free data viewer Electronic test Agilent 89600 VSA software X-COM Spectro-X signal analysis toolkit 2 Tab le of C o n ten t s Page number Overview Using RF recording techniques to capture and analyze interference 4 in the signal environment Problem Interference issues 5

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