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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-2042ENJP 40GHz RIN Measurement System c20141016 [2]

Agilent 5991-2042ENJP 40GHz RIN Measurement System c20141016 [2] free download

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File name 5991-2042ENJP 40GHz RIN Measurement System c20141016 [2].pdf

A0010A 40GHz RIN Mesurement System Keysight Technologies and SYCATUS SYCATUS A0010A RIN Measurement System RIN measurement with the world's widest 40 GHz bandwidth SYCATUS A0010A RIN measure- Best solution for 40G/100G optical TX laser characterization ment system consists of SYCA- Unique and accurate calibration for uncertainty reduction TUS optical receiver, Keysight X- series signal analyzer, Keysight Optional function of optical modulation depth measurement digital multimeter and SYCATU RIN measurement software. The SYCATUS provides A0010A 40 GHz RIN measurement system. A0010A achieves optical receiver of A0010A RIN unprecedented 40 GHz RIN (Relative Intensity Noise) spectrum characterization. measurement system converts the optical signal from DUT to RIN characterization becomes the most critical indicator for laser diodes amplified electrical signal. The with the evolution of high-speed, multilevel optical transmission systems. noise power density in the signal The measurement bandwidth is required to be equal to, or more than, the is measured by the Signal Ana- modulation rate of the systems. The RIN measurement is also needed for laser lyzer. The photo current of the diodes with high-performance, multi-wavelength and high-integration features. optical signal is monitored by the digital multimeter. SYCATUS A0010A RIN measurement system realizes world s widest 40 GHz measurement bandwidth with high-sensitivity, low-noise 40 GHz optical receiver SYCATUS applied a unique tech- and Keysight high-performance X-series signal analyzer. SYCATUS developed nique to calibrate the whole sys- unique calibration method, which achieves high accuracy and repeatability. tem from the input of the optical receiver to the display of the SYCATUS A0010A RIN measurement system enables the accurate Signal Analyzer, which enables characterization of laser diodes, which improves the performance and the accurate and repea

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