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Agilent 1960-11 free download

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HEWLETT -PACKARD JOURNAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION FROM THE -hp- LABORATORIES No. 3 JBLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER. 1960 A New Frequency/Time Standard with 5 x 10'10/Day Stability T N the electronics field the need continues in the precision of the 10-megacycle fre strong for more and more precision in gen quency counter*, in secondary frequency erating and controlling frequency. The ready standards, and in other developments to be availability of higher precision in frequency announced. is, for example, the keystone for higher pre Now, a new frequency /time standard has cision in such work as navigation, missile been placed in production to make available and satellite guidance and observation, sup- to those working with precision frequencies pressed-carrier and narrow-band communi a standard with a stability rated at ±5 parts cations, and in innumerable timing situa in 1010 per day. It is a standard in which per tions. formance in every area has been optimized. In its capacity of designer of precision Its stability ratings apply over a temperature electronic instruments, the Hewlett-Packard range from 0° to 50°C with better stability Company has been actively concerned with generally obtained under less severe envi- the precision frequency problem, having re «LaThare N. Bodily and Leonard S. Cutler, "5 x ItHVWeek Time Base Accuracy in the 10 MC Frequency Counter," Hewlett-Packard cently made available substantial increases Journal, Volume 10, No. 3-4, Nov.-Dec., 1958. /

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