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Agilent 1962-08 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S PUBLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA AUGUST, 1962 A DC -500 KG Oscilloscope with Extended Measurement Capabilities IN THE day-to-day use of present oscillo character indeed. The sensitivity in the vertical scopes, it is interesting to recall the enor and horizontal amplifiers is each 200 micro mous advances that have occurred in general- volts/cm, while the bandwidth of each extends purpose oscilloscopes in just a few years' time. beyond 500 kc at the high end and to dc at the Prior to the introduction of the Hewlett-Pack low end. The sweep circuit is of the -hp- auto ard Model 130 Oscilloscope in 1956*, for ex matic type which gives automatic triggering ample, typical general-purpose oscilloscopes from a viewed signal and, in the absence of a were decidedly limited in their measurement signal, automatically displays a base line as a capabilities. Usually, they had a low sensitivity convenience in general measurement work. in the order of a tenth of a volt, while their The sweep system also has the capability for frequency ranges or effective bandwidths were single sweeping and includes a magnifier that expressible in tens of kilocycles. Sweep circuits gives up to X50 magnification. The overall were normally of the synchronizing rather design includes many other measuring con than triggered types and were rather incon veniences such as identical vertical and hori venient to use. Accuracies on important char zontal amplifiers, an amplitude calibrator, and acteristics were low. the -hp- internal-graticule cathode-ray tube. By contrast, the new "C" version of the -hp- Model 130 Oscilloscope shown below has *Duane Dunwoodie a

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