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Now downloading free:Agilent Calibration of Time Base Oscillators - White Paper 5991-1263EN c20140529 [10]

Agilent Calibration of Time Base Oscillators - White Paper 5991-1263EN c20140529 [10] free download

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File name Calibration of Time Base Oscillators - White Paper 5991-1263EN c20140529 [10].pdf

Keysight Technologies Calibration of Time Base Oscillators White Paper Introduction Counting intervals has been going on since man's beginning. Early time measurements involved counting the number of days in terms of sunrises, sunsets, or moons. Later, the day was divided into smaller increments by using an hourglass, candles, sundial, etc. With the discovery of the pendulum, clocks were born. The accuracy of early clocks was around 1 part in 1000. As more accurate clocks were produced, new uses of time measurement were explored. As new uses were discovered, the need for even more accurate clocks became apparent. Atomic Accuracy Current state-of-the-art atomic frequency standards have attained an accuracy of 1 part in 1013 (1 in 10 million, million) in the laboratory. The specified accuracy in commercially available atomic clocks has reached

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