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Agilent Creating a Custom Filter for the U8903A - Demo Guide 5991-1558EN c20141011 [16] free download

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File name Creating a Custom Filter for the U8903A - Demo Guide 5991-1558EN c20141011 [16].pdf

Keysight Technologies U8903A Audio Analyzer Creating a Custom Filter for the U8903A Audio Analyzer Demo Guide Table of Contents Demonstration Objectives 2 Step 1: Matlab fdatool (filter design and analysis tool) 3 Step 2: Create Filter 4 Step 3: Export Filter Coefficient 7 Step 4: Settling Time (Delay) 9 Step 5: Transfer to .juf file 11 Step 6: Upload .juf file to U8903A Audio Analyzer 13 Conclusion 14 Ordering Information and 15 Related Literature Demonstration objectives This demonstration will teach you how to create your own custom filter for the Keysight Technologies, Inc. U8903A Audio Analyzer by using the MATLAB software on your computer. Steps to create a custom filter Follow the steps below to create your own custom filter for the U8903A. Steps 1. Matlab fdatool (filter design and analysis tool) 2. Create Filter 3. Export Filter Coefficient 4. Settling Time (Delay) 5. Transfer to .juf file 6. Upload .juf file to U8903A Audio Analyzer 2 Step 1 Matlab fdatool (Filter Design and Analysis Tool) Instructions 1. Start MATLAB program (Figure 1) 2. In the command window, type "fdatool" to start Filter Design and Analysis Tool in MATLAB (Figure 2) Figure 1. MATLAB command window Figure 2. Filter Design and Analysis Tool 3 Step 2 Create filter Instructions 1. Click on "Set quantization parameter" (Figure 3) 2. Select "Single-precision floating-point" because the architecture of the U8903A is 32 bits (Figure 4) 3. Return to the Design Filter page (Figure 4) Figure 3. "Set quantization parameter" icon Figure 4. Selecting "Single-precision floating-point" and "Return to the Design Filter page" 4 Instructions 4. Select the "Response Type" e.g. Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop (Figure 5) 5. Select the "Design Method" e.g. IIR or FIR (Figure 5) 6. Select the "Frequency Specifications" you require e.g. Fpass (1 and 2), Fstop (1 and 2) (Figure 5) Requirements for Frequency Specifications:

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