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Now downloading free:Agilent 5989-8116EN N7788B Optical Component Analyzer - Data Sheet c20140712 [7]

Agilent 5989-8116EN N7788B Optical Component Analyzer - Data Sheet c20140712 [7] free download

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File name:5989-8116EN N7788B Optical Component Analyzer - Data Sheet c20140712 [7].pdf
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File name 5989-8116EN N7788B Optical Component Analyzer - Data Sheet c20140712 [7].pdf

Keysight N7788B Optical Component Analyzer Data Sheet N7788B optical component analyzer Introduction Keysight Technologies. Inc. pushes the limits of component measurements with the N7788B com- ponent analyzer. Its proprietary technology is comparable with the well-known Jones-Matrix-Ei- genanalysis (JME) which is the standard method for measuring polarization mode dispersion (PMD) or differential group delay (DGD) of optical devices. For spectral measurements of polarization dependent loss and dispersion, the N7788B is combined with a Keysight swept-wavelength tunable laser, such as the 81600B or 81960A (not included) and the Polarization Navigator software application for single-scan measurements. Compared to the JME, Keysight's powerful single scan technology offers a range of advantages: A complete set of parameters:

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