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< Q- APPLICATION NOTE 117-1 Microwave Network Analyzer Applications JUNE 1970 HEWLETT hp PACKARD APPLICATION NOTE 117-1 MICROWAVE NETWORK ANALYZER APPLICATIONS Copyright HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 1970 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. Printed: JUNE 1970 Revised: JANUARY 1978 HEWLETT lO; PACKARD AN 117-1 HP 8410S Network Analyzer System AN 117-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ix A NEW INSTRUMENT ix WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU ix SOME TYPICAL APPLICATIONS x Filter Measurements xi Semiconductor Measurements xi THE APPLICATION NOTE xiii I. BASIC CONCEPTS INTRODUCTION 1-1 REFLECTION MEASUREMENTS 1-1 Reflection Coefficient 1-2 Test Setup 1-2 Impedance 1-3 Smith Chart 1-3 Standing Wave Ratio 1-4 Return Loss 1-4 TRANSMISSION MEASUREMENTS 1-4 Insertion 1-4 Incremental 1-4 Comparative 1-4 Test Setup 1-5 Magnitude and Phase Relationships 1-6 IMPORTANCE OF PHASE INFORMATION 1-7 In Radar Systems 1-7 In Communications Systems 1-7 In Microwave Component Design 1-8 SCATTERING {SI PARAMETERS 1-8 Definition 1-8 Lower Frequency Network Parameters -- Z, Y, H 1-8 S Parameters Related to Complex Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 1-9 SUMMARY 1-10 II. THE HP 8410A NETWORK ANALYZER SYSTEM INTRODUCTION 2-1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS 2-2 Block Diagrams for Reflection-Transmission Measurements Using the HP 8410A Network Analyzer System 2-2 RF SOURCE - SWEEP OSCILLATOR {HP 8690B/8620A) 2-2 Harmonic Frequency Converter (HP 8411 A) and Network Analyzer Mainframe (HP 8410A)

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