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Agilent 1951-11 free download

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HEWLETT'PAGKARD m p ' f T E C H N I C A L JOURNAL I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - n p - L A B O R A T O R I E S VOL. 3 No. 3 | PUBLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER, 1951 Recent Developments in -hp- Waveguide Type Measuring Equipment February, 1951, issue of the Journal loading are interdependent. To obtain high J_ announced the -hp- program for a com probe output, then, the designer must con plete series of waveguide measuring equip struct a probe having high efficiency; that is, ment to cover the frequency range from 2600 a probe having maximum output for a given to 18,000 megacycles. At that time the Model loading effect on the line. 810 interchangeable slotted sections, the In tuned type probes the probe tuner in Model 442 and 444 probes, and the Model creases the efficiency of the probe by adjust 440 detector mount were described. The suc ing the match between the probe antenna ceeding issue described the Model 485 de and the detector element. From an opera tector mounts, the Model 370 fixed attenu tional standpoint, however, a tuned probe is ators, and the Model 912 high-power ter inconvenient to use. If the probe is a single minations. adjustment type, the probe must be retuned Since those issues were published, a num for each change of frequency. If the probe is ber of other items have been put into pro a two-adjustment type, not only must the duction. In addition, considerable interest probe be retuned when frequency is changed has been shown in the Model 444 untuned but the tuning operation itself is often diffi probe and Model 806B

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