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Agilent 1953-05 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - d p - L A B O R A T O R I E S VOL. 4 No. 9-10 JLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA MAY-JUNE, 1953 The -hp- TV Monitor MANY television engineers who have Three panel meters on the equipment been associated with f-m broadcast monitor the frequencies of the visual and stations have worked with the -hp- Model aural carriers, and the percent modulation 335B f-m frequency monitor and modulation on the aural carrier with 100% modulation meter.1 That the 335B was a successful de equal to 25 kc deviation. All indications are sign is indicated by the fact that it was used presented simultaneously. The monitor can in more f-m stations than all other monitors be used with any one of the TV channels in combined. Among station personnel the either the VHP or UHF bands. The circuit monitor has been popular because it oper arrangement also accommodates stations ated accurately for extended periods with that may have offset carriers. Full provision out adjustment. is made for the use of a remote over-modu The same design approach used in the lation lamp as well as remote indicating 335B has been used in the new -bp- Model meters. All operating adjustments can be 335E aural and visual monitor for television made on the front panel of the monitor. stations. The 335E uses the pulse-counter Although the 335E is primarily intended type frequency meter that proved popular to indicate the percentage modulation of the in the 335B because of its simplicity and sta aural carrier and to monitor the frequencies bility. Like the f-m monitor, the TV monitor of both carriers, it is also valuable as an aid is small in size, being only 12

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